Memories pt. 2

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Harry's pov

I still stood there watching me. I looked so in love with that Ariana. Fetus me hugged Ariana and called her 'ari bear'. What is this supposed to mean? I walked away leaving that vision behind, but there it was again at the CD's. We were looking at the selections and pointing out the ones that look cool. I heavily sighed and continued walking away. I paid for the items and quickly walked off the the parking lot. I sat in Ariana's car for a little. I was staring at fetus us playing around in the parking lot. I shook it all off and drove through the vision. I must be hallucinating. I quickly drove into the driveway, not giving two shits on how the car was parked. I opened the door, carrying the bags of food. I saw Ariana sitting on the couch with a worried look . "Harry!" She ran over to me and gave me a tight hug. "Don't ever leave again! You had me worried. I thought you ran away and like the dumbass you are, you left your phone here! I was this close to calling the police. And I was on the verge of crying my ey-" i kissed her and she closed her eyes. Her lips were so soft and plump. I could taste her sweet lipgloss against my bare lips. I pulled back and pulled her into a long hug. "I just went to Target to get food." I held up the bags. She began sniffing and tears rolled down her eyes. "What?" I asked with concern. I really hoped I didn't do anything wrong.

She just laughed it off," The kisses and hugs and compliments just don't feel the same, Harry. You forgot who I was. It just feels too weird." She put back her hanging hair. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Nothing. Just forget it." She weakly walked up the stairs leaving me with the food. I sat on the couch and fumbled with my hands. I eventually fell asleep after thinking too hard.

Harry's dream...

Ariana and I were playing in the playground. "Harry, help me on the swings!" She called to me. I pushed her, watching her hair fall to every swing. "Higher! Higher!" She cheered. She tried to jump off the swings but instead she fell from the swings and I ran to break her fall. I held out my hands and instead she landed on my back. "Owww." I groaned at she helped me up. Ariana began laughing and I couldn't help but do it too. "Saved your life." I smirked at her. "Thanks." We began laughing again. "We're gonna be best friends forever right?" She turned to me. "Of course, Ari Bear!" I hugged her and the dream ended.

Ariana's pov

I heard wimpering coming from downstairs. I grabbed a roll of my vouge magazine and rolled it up. It was like 5 in the morning, I just can't focus. I stumbled down the stairs as the whimpering got louder. I was still sleeping on the inside, damn I was so tired. I bumped and moved a few boxes and found a sleeping and crying Harry on the couch. At least I think it was Harry. I ran to the lamp to turn it on and I was right. He was twisting and turning and the pillow's wet from his tears.

I dropped the magazine and ran over to him. "Harry!" I shook his fragile body. "Harry! Wake up!" I patted his face. He was still wimpering and crying, but he soon woke up with red eyes. He quickly got up and wiped away the remaining tears. "Harry are you ok?" I sat next to him. "Yeah, just bad dreams." He mumbled. He tried wiping the sleep from his eyes, but he was just a tired as I was. "Ariana, can I sleep with you for the reat of the night?" He asked in a tired and raspy voice. "Um.." I was so unsure. "Please?" He pouted, holding my hands. "I'll do anything!" He started throwing offers to me. "But you can sleep on the couch!" "No! I woke up in a pool of tears. I wanna be with you where it's safe!" He cried out. "Fine, fine. But not funny buisness." I told him. He nodded and followed me upstairs. I scooted over the bed and pulled the blanket over my body. He took off his big jacket along with his shirt and collapsed next to me. I traced his tattoos with my finger and he giggled a little bit at my contact. He pulled me close and whispered in my ear," I remember you and I love you." Before we both fell asleep.

Short chapter, Sorry babes! Ilu hope you had a good valentines day! I got lots of candy from my friends(: aww hariana is so cute im just like asdfghjkl haha ok, ok. So i really need to know if you guys would read my style's triplets+hariana book! I want to make one, but i need opinions! thanks for everything. Mwah mwah

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