plot twist

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time for tears my lovers!! grab a tissue and ice cream because this is gonna have the biggest plot twist by the end of this chapter or so... enjoy my lovers. mwah.

Harry and I spent the day watching comedy movies at home and eating ice cream. We kept on blasting music and being such kids. 

By the time it was around 9:00, Harry was all dressed up. "Where you going?" I leaned against the door frame. "Just out with the lads." He fixed his hair. "Thought they were back at home." I was starting to get suspicious. "Don't worry, love. I'm just gonna be with them. Hey you can come along too if you wanna!" He suggested. But he looked a little nerveous after he offered me to join him. He looked like he wanted to take it back. "Nah." I finally said. I was in my pajama's too and I didn't want to get changed anyways. "Ok." He came over to me and kissed my forehead. "Gross." I teased him as he blew a raspberry at me. I laughed as he walked out the garage with a good-bye. 

After he had left, I jumped onto my couch and turned on the T.V. I recorded the recent Kardashians shows. I can't wait until the episode where Kim was proposed. It's gonna be the cutest thing ever! 

All my recorded shows finished and I watched something else. I soon fell asleep after a long, but fun day with Harry. I wonder where he is now. It's nearly-gah. Who the fuck cares what time it was. All I know it's late and Harry's still not home. 

I woke up a few hours later to my phone ringing to Little Mix's song, Salute. 

Who the hell would call me at this time of the hour?

"Bloody hell." I grumbled as I answered the phone. "What?" I rudely said not caring who was on the other line. "Ariana?" "Speaking." I grabbed some strawberries from the fridge. "It's Harry. He's gotten into a massive car crash." Louis spoke. "What?!" I nearly shrieked. I ended the call without another word and just ran to grab my keys and jacket. 

I knew something like this would happen. I recklessly parked at the hospital, hoping that Harry was fine. I saw Liam standing at the entrance waiting for my arrival. He escorted me in the lobby as I was about to have a anxiety attack. "Ariana, love calm down!" Liam cooed. "Calm down now." He gently held my shaking hands. "Wonder if he's dead."  I was on the verge of crying to death. Liam was quiet for a moment. He can't answer that. He knows Harry might die. He knows it! "Liam just tell me! I can take it." I sternly said. He nodded his head. "I'll tell you everything. First, we were at the bar and we drank a few shots. We all headed to the dancefloor, but Harry remained at the bar. He took a few more shots and he eventually left. Louis and I told the lads we were gonna look for Harry. We saw his car at the stoplights and he was chatting up with some guy with a nice looking car. When the light turned green, I saw that both cars had gone at full speed. I guess that Harry was gonna go home to you but he was so wasted that he got himself into a street race. Lou and I tried chasing him and we heard this loud crash. The other guy got away and Harry's car was faced upside down. When the ambulance came, He looked really injured. His car was full of blood and.. I just.. I just don't know if he might make it." 

I was now in tears. Hearing that Harry will never wake up kills me. He was the only who kept me happy. Now he'll never relize that! I love him. 

Niall came out of the hallways with a delighted face. "He's ok. He woke up!" Niall cheered. Liam and I basically screamed. The lady at the desk told us to hush our voices because of other patients. The three of us rushed to Harry's room. "Now we have to be very quiet. He's still getting used to things." Niall warned us.

Liam and I nodded. I wiped off my little tears and went inside.

"You stupid boy. You shoudn't have drank that much and raced someone." I heard typical Louis tell Harry. My hands flung to my mouth seeing that Harry was covered in tubes and bandages. "Shhh." Niall said. "But Louis that was sooooo much fun!" Harry giggled. "He obviously still has 5% of his drunkness." Zayn tiredly grumbled. "Fun? When is it fun when you were about to die?" Louis crossed his arms. "Yeah..." Harry pouted. 

"Liam!" Harry cheered. Liam gave a shy wave and continued staring at the ground. "Harry." I walked over to him. "I held his fragile hand with cuts and scars. I could cry, but I wanted to stay strong. I was just so happy he's breathing. "I'm so happy you're ok! Don't do that crazy stuff again." I stared at his eyes. It was all quiet for a moment before he spoke 3 little words that made my world come crashing down.

"Who are you?"

here's the chapter of plot twistyness. lel but aw i feel so bad for Ariana! anyways, love you all so so much! never forget that!  follow my twitter for more updates dates and brief summaries(: 


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