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I sat Harry down on the crowded couch.

"Ok, let's both start off with names. I'll tell you my name and continue with my story." I nodded as he nodded in an unsure approval.

"So, my name is Ariana butera-grande. Just call me Ariana Grande. I act and sing for a living. I love to write songs. I was born and raised in Cheshire. I have a nice family and great friends, though I miss my boyfriend." I gave a sad smile at the end. "Your turn." I said even though I basically know his story. "My name is Harry Edward Styles. I like to sing, in fact I'm in a band called, One Direction. I was also born in Cheshire and I think I remember this one friend I used to hang out with all the time. She had brown hair and she was so girly and-" "HARRY!" I yelled. "What'd I do now?" He curled up into a ball. "No, no! You just described me! I was that childhood friend!" I was getting exited. "But you.. You have some red hair lines. Not brown hair." "I dyed it! I was your childhood friend, Harry! You've got to believe me!" I tightly held his strong hands. It still had the glass cuts from his car and his face was still weary from the hospital. He took his hands away from my grip and sat in the corner to the couch. "Harry.." I whispered. "I just want you to be back." I started laughing again. "Why do you always laugh?" He scowled. "Because, I'd rather not fucking cry. So I laugh at times like these." I gave him a hint of annoyance. He kept his mouth shut for the next few hours. We both jusr sat on the couch, not saying anythingo. He mumbled a few words and I barely could hear him. "I'm gonna make dinner." I angrily took off from the couch to the kitchen.

I turned on the stove and took out leftovers from the fridge. Actually, the leftovers where the only thing in the fridge. I dumped the pasta onto the pan and began heating the food. I heard Harry's quiet footsteps waltz into the kitchen. He was observing me. I could see his eyes going up and down me from the corners of my brown eyes. "What?" I asked not even giving him a single glance. "Nothing. Just wanted to tell you that you look pretty. That's all." He lightly smiled. I turned around to pretend I'm cooking another thing so he wouldn't see me blushing. Even when he totally forgot who the hell I was, he still was that little charmer. "Thanks." I finally faced him when my face toned down. "What're you making?" "Heating up my leftovers. There's enough for the both of us." I assured him. His whispered an "ok" and called his mum. By the time he was done with the call, i set the plates and scooped the pasta onto it. Harry ate quite fast, while I barely touched my plate. "You alright?" He choked down the last pasta piece. "Yeah. Just not as hungry as I thought I would be. Want my plate?" I pushed over my dinner to his side of the table. "Nah. It's yours anyways. You should eat to keep that beautiful body." He smiled. I smiled at his flirting. "I'm just gonna go unpack some more." I grabbed my plate and his and put them in the sink. He just continued to sit at his dinner seat, watching my every move. "Stop staring at me like that." I crossed my arms. "But you're just so pretty! I feel like I know you, I just can't figure it out." I was about to say something, but I let it go. I walked out without another word to him. I ran upstairs and unpacked the clothes I brought over. I put my jeans and shirts in the closet and all my room junk in there as well.

Harry's pov

I washed the dishes because that would be the least I could do after she took me in and gave food and such. I wiped my hands on my jeans, seeing that she hasn't bought napkins yet. So she sings too? I took out my phone and typed in 'ariana grande' the page loaded with a bunch of pictures of her and articles which are most likely stupid rumors. I stumbled upon a photo of me and her at some award show. She had her arms and face curled up to my chest and my arms around her shoulder. "What?" I whispered. I clicked off my phone, not wanting to see anymore confusing things. I took my mind off of things by going to the store to get food and napkins.

I grabbed my jacket and ran outside to her car. I put my hands in my pockets and i felt this little velvet box. "What the?" I pulled it out. It was a red box and inside it was probably a ring. I opened it and guess what? A ring. It was sparkling agaisnt the lucent moonlight. It was a nice diamond, not too big, yet not to small. It was just... Perfect. I put the box back inside my jacket and drove off to the nearest store. (Which was Target, of you were wondering lel)

I placed a whole bunch of chips and soda in the shopping basket. I found napkins and more junk food to the list. I kept on walking around the store as I came around to the candy section. "Ooh.." My eyes grew wide.

Suddenly, out of no where, the thought of Ariana came to my mind. I saw her. She looks so young. "Ariana!" I called. Wait. That wasn't me. But it sounded like me. "Ariana!" There it was again. "What?" She groaned and there came a running boy holding a bag of candies in it. He had curls and long legs.

Wait, that boy is me.

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