Almost is never enough

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I placed on a small amout of mascara and a dab of eyeshadow. Today, Ellie's gonna take me to eat lunch and shop at the grove. It's kinda the first time I've gone outside, unless you count getting the mail in your pajama's going outside and being social. Then be my guest.

The doorbell rang and I rushes downstairs. I opened the door to see a happy Ellie standing on my porch. "Hey." I motioned her to come in. She promised me she wouldn't bring up Harry unless it's very important, but what's so important about him? Anyways, today is just me and her.

"Ready?" She asked, taking an apple from the bowl. "Yeah, lemme just get my phone." I ran upstairs. Once I got my phone, Ellie was on the phone with someone. "Yeah, Harry. I understand." She spoke. I took a step back, hiding my face behind the wall. She was talking to him?

"Yeah, she's been really miserable. Today I'm taking her out for the first time since you guys broke up." "Yeah." "Yeah." "I know, right?" "I don't know what to do really. I feel bad." "Well you should." "Sorry." "Ok, see ya." And with that, she pressed the end button.

I walked down like I didn't hear a word. "Ready to head off?" I put on a fake smile. Why was she talking to Harry? "Yes." Ellie grabbed her phone and purse and escorted me to her car.

Half of the ride was silent. I hated it to be honest. "I like your neckalace." Ellie finally spoke.


She must be talking about the neckalace Harry gave me when we were younger teens. "Thanks." I quietly said. "Where'd you get it?" She asked. "A friend gave it to me." She nodded and focused on the road.

"Look, I know you heard me on the phone." She said. "Y-you did?" I stuttered. Good job. "Yeah. Don't worry, he was just asking on how you were doing and all." She exited the freeway. "He-" I began, but I didn't wanna tell her anything more. "He what?" She asked. "Nothing." I quickly replied, making the rest of the ride silent.

He was wondering how I was doing? He still cares?

Ellie took me the Umami Burger for lunch. Their food is the best, nothing can beat it. A few fans came by and asked for pictures and such. I loved all my fans, they make me smile even when I have a bad day.

The rest of the day was nothing but shopping. The VMA's were coming up really soon and I bought a really cute dress for the event. In fact I bought 2. One purple dress before the event. And a blue floral dress for the real show. I just cannot wait for it!

Soon after a long day of shopping, Ellie and I eventually went back to my place. We stayed up eating ice cream and watching movies.

The next few days were work, work, work. I had to finish up my album recordings.

"Alright, Ariana. Nathan is about to arrive for the recording." One of the assistants notified me. "Got it." I said.

Nathan Sykes. One of that dude from The Wanted. Nice guy.

"Hi, Ariana." Nathan says in his strong accent.

*a/n idk anything from the wanted. im not a fan aha. Sorry if i sound stupid*

"Hi. Have a seat." I patted the chair next to me.

Nathan sat next to me awkwardly. "So like, this is how the song starts." I begin to play the fancy piano.

He nods his head, going along with the beautiful music.

I'd like to say we gave it a try. I'd like to blame it all on life. Maybe we just weren't right. But that's a lie. That's a lie.

And we can deny it, as much as we want. But in time, our feelings will show. Cos' sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up. The truth is everyone knows.

Almost. Almost is never enough. So close to being in love. If I would have known that you wanted me, the way I wanted you. But maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart, but right here in eachother's arms.

And we almost. We almost knew what love was. But almost is never enough.

Nathan was just looking at the piano keys. He didn't say anything. "Nathan?" I put my hand on his shoulder. "Did you not like the song?" I ask. "No, no! I love it. But it was just such a sweet song." He assured me. "I'm happy you like it." I gushed. "I poured my heart into this song. One of my very favorites." I wrote a few more words into my songbook. "I can tell." I saw him smile at the corners of my eyes.

"Huh?" I ask, kinda confused with his answer.

"I said, I can tell. Like... I know you really dedicated yourself to this song. You enjoyed singing it, you had such... Such passion in your eyes." He smiled as I smiled myself. "Thank you." Was all I could say. He was such a sweetheart, but he was no Harry. No, Ariana. Shut up. Harry's long gone. But then again... This whole song was dedicated to him. The day we broke up I wrote this song. Every word is about him. Even Nathan's solo in this about Harry.

If I could change the world overnight. There'd be no such thing as goodbye. You'd be standing right where you were and we'd get the chance we deserve.

I heard Nathan sing in his deep voice.

I wrote that becaus Harry always use to say those to me. He wanted to change the world and he never wanted to say good-bye. And if we every have time to see eachother, we'd always stand in the exaxt same spot and I always thought that we deserve it all.

A little tear rolls down my cheek and I catch it with my hands. "Whoa, are you ok? My singing isn't that bad is it?" He kind a jokes. I swipe the little tears away as I laugh at his comment. "No. I love your voice. It's just.. Nothing." My smile fades in a matter of seconds. He didn't wanna push me into anymore questions, relizing that I might cry even more, which is true.

I really miss Harry.

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