The fight just begun

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Harry took a step closer to me, closing the gap bewtwen us. I was trying to back away, but he held onto my wrists, so I couldn't run off. "Try me, bitch. I dare you." By him calling me a bitch kinda hurt me. He never went that far, but then again, I probably did the same. "Why should I be jeleous if you kissed Ellie when I know you've shagged other girls." I pursed my lips, now wanting to take it all back. I was afraid that he would hurt me. Like he almost did to Louis, who was still curled up in the corner.

He held in a breath, raised his arm up, looking like he was about to slam me. Louis quickly got up to stop him, but Harry just put his arm back down and stormed out of the room without another word. I heard a loud slam of his door, and loud music coming from his room.

"Now that's what I call a Kardashian show, right there." Louis chuckled lightly. "Yeah." I couldn't hold a little smile. "Well... I should be going now." He patted his jeans and took off without a good-bye or anything.

I quietly walked into the guest room, packed my bags and left Harry's. I walked down the little road where I clearly remember the day he walked me to my house to get my clothes. Then on the way back, it was awkward because he tried to kiss me. Oh, the good times. It almost makes me wanna cry a little.

I stepped up to the porch and rung the doorbell a few times. "Coming!" I could finally hear Mum's sweet voice in person. She opened the door and once she saw me she nearly cried. "Ariana!" She wrapped her arms around me, squeezing all of my oxygen. "It's so good to see you!" She took in my bags. "You too, in fact, I've been planning to visit you for months." I sat myself down on the couch. "Hungry?" Mum asked me. I shook my head and headed up to my old room. "Just a little tired, I'll be in my room." I ran upstairs. Once I turned on the light, the room looked so dead and empty. The only things left were the uneeded boxes of clothes and toys in the closet and a little bed in the corner of my room. I sighed as I fell on my old bed, staring at the white ceiling. "Feels good to finally be home." I muttered.

I woke up later in a room of darkness. I searched for my phone and saw that it was midnight. "How long was I asleep? I fell asleep?" I quietly asked, not wanting to wake up Mum.

I got 57 missed calls from Harry
3 messages from Ellie
2 missed calls from Louis
31 messages from Harry
6 missed calls from Zayn

Whoa, I miss a few hours and I get a boatload of messages and calls.

All the voicemails from Harry are "I'm sorry" and "Please come back" or "I love you" and well, you get the point by now.

I decided that I should delete all the voicemails and messages. I tied my hair into a bun and walked downstairs into the kitchen, making myself a snack. I turned on the T.V. In the living room, Keeping Up With The Kardashians is on right at the moment.

Ooh. Kholé, you did not just do that, you little rebel, I like you.

My eyes began to flutter shut, and the last thing I saw before I fell into sleep again was Kylie Jenner on the T.V. Screen.

Dammit. I wanted to watch the rest of the show. Oh well.

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