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"Wait, really?" I could hear Ellie sip her yorkshire tea. "Yeah. I don't know how to tell Harry." I was on the verge of blowing up. "Well, you should tell him. Honesty is the number one thing." "But.. Wonder if I'm the reason him and Louis are no longer friends? They'll only be friends for the fan's sake. But behind the cameras, they would probably hate eachother and it would all be thanks to me!" I babbled on and on. "Shut up, ok? You'll be fine." Oh how I loved Ellie's advice. *sarcasm*

I sighed deeply,"Ok. Fine. I'll tell him what's up." I hung up the phone without another word.

I was gonna fly home to visit mum anyways, and since Harry's back at home, I should tell him then.

2 weeks later

I was in the rather small plane, flying back home to rest up. My heart was litterally pounding out of my chest, I swear to god, the boy next to me could hear it. I told Harry that I was coming home, so he was gonna pick me up from the airport.

The boy next to me tried starting a conversation, but I planted in my earbuds, so I bet he got the clue that I don't feel like talking at the moment. The past few hours felt like forever.

"Attention passengers, we are now entering Cheshire, England. Please be seated and buckle your seatbelts. Thanks for joining us!" The pilot said through his mic. "Finally." I muttered.

The plane landed softly, as people began to claim their baggage and get up. The boy next to me said," Thanks for listening to me this whole trip." Wait, was he talking me to whole entire flight? "Sure?" I questioned.

I came through the tunnel and into the England airport. I haven't visited home at all. The last time I was here was when I left to go to America.

"Ari bear!" I heard that familiar voice call. "Hazzy!" I nearly squealed. I ran over to my curly-haired boyfriend, giving him a tight hug. "I missed you." He whispered into my ear. I kissed his soft lips with my little lips that touched Louis'.

I let out a long sigh, knowing that I have to tell Harry sooner or later. Later is best.

"You ok?" He said, rolling my suitcase. "Oh, yeah! Just tired from the long flight." I lied. He nodded and kept on walking towards the exit.

We got into his car and we drove out to his house.

We spent the night just talking about life and watching movies, prank calling people. We called Zayn and as I could remember he called us "little fuckers with no life". Damn, he must've had a bad day.

It was around 3 am and Harry was braiding my hair. He stuck his little tounge out. "What are doing to my hair?" "Braiding it." He struggled with it. "Seems to me, it feels like you're just twisting it up." I laughed. "Shut upppp!" He whined. "I'm trying!" His dimple appeared on his cheek. I purposely turned my body just to make him mess up. "Bitch." He said, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Bastard." I came around.

A few hours swung by, as I was getting tired by the minute. I slowly fluttered my eyes shut as I heard Harry mutter something. "Forever." I heard him say.

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