Chapter 1

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Bey pov
April 20th
Orlando, Florida

I woke up to the sound of my alarm telling me it was time to start my day.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to my closet to find my outfit.

After I was done I went to take a shower and finish my hygienes.

I walked out my bathroom fully dressed looking for my keys so I could head out.

As I finally made it out the house my phone went off altering me that I had a call.

I pick it up putting it between my ear and shoulder as I got in the car.

"Beyoncé speaking."

"Why you sound all business like and shit?"

My friend Kelly laughed on the other end as I put all my stuff down and started the car.

I laughed a little as I pulled out with the phone in my hand.

"Because Kelly you never know who is calling me because I'm a business woman."

"What ever but anyway what you doing tomorrow?"

"I have to look for new models and an assistant why?"

"Beyoncé it's Saturday and your working, I was trying to have a girls day or something."

"Well sorry Kelly duties call I said looking at the road."

"Well some times you need to stop taking shits and have fun with me."

I giggled through the phone at her corny joke.

"The only thing that's shitting is my money and that's what im going to continue to do."

"What ever bey you tried to pull one on me but failed."

"What ever Kelly but I gotta go I just pulled up."

"Ok ok just think about tomorrow please."

I imagined that little puppy dog face she gives me when she wants something.

"Fine I will see what time I get done then we can take it from there."

"Yay", she squealed through the phone like a little kid. "I love you bey."

"Love you to Kelly."

I hung the phone up and got all my stuff out heading to my office.

I am an owner of a magazine company so my social life isn't as busy like most people's are.

I had few friends but only like a handful and I'm richer than rich so I could buy my happiness.

I walked into my office building that had five floors, and glass windows.

One of my security guards held the door open for me as I carried all my stuff to my office.

"Morning Ms.Knowles", he said with a sweet smile on his face.

"Good morning Michel", I said returning a smile.

I headed to the elevator so I could get to work, I pressed the button for the last floor and stood there as the elevator moved.

It was made of glass so I could see what was happening on each floor.

I finally made it to my office and placed all my stuff down getting straight to work.

I had papers on top of papers on top of papers stacked up on my desk.

That's one reason why I needed an assistant to help get some work done. I said to myself as I added more junk to the pile.

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