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"whoa, whoa, what happened? harry?"

as niall opened the door to the apartment, the first thing his eyes fell on was harry's broken figure on the floor. he ran over to him and fell to his knees, shaking his shoulders in attempt to wake him.

"harry? harry! harry, what happened, wake up, please!"

niall hardly noticed the tears escaping his eyes when harry refused to move, unconscious on the floor. just when niall was about to call an ambulance, a pained groan escaped the boy's lips.

"niall, is that you?"


niall didn't stop the smile that reached his face as he lunged at him, hugging him tight, so relieved that he was okay.

"niall, niall, stop, stop. is clementine here?"

a dawning of realisation hit niall's face when he remembered that the only reason harry would be in this state was if liam had come to the apartment. and if liam had managed to knock harry out, then clementine...

niall scrambled away from harry and sprinted to clementine's room. it wasn't only harry that worried about clementine; niall cared about her, too. not in the same way as harry, but he had warmed up to her very quickly and wanted to protect her as much as harry did.


no reply was given to niall as he entered her room, throwing open the door and stumbling inside. nothing. he checked closets and bathrooms. still nothing. niall's room, harry's room, the kitchen, behind the tv, even the washing machine, but clementine was nowhere to be found in the entire house. she was gone.

"harry, we have to go, now. we have to get to the police. clementine is gone."

despite harry having the worst headache he could possibly imagine and felt as though every muscle in his body had been torn, he crawled up from the floor and walked to niall, using him as support.

even though clementine was being held by liam, his body was broken and there were a million problems going on in his world, for some reason, there was only one thing on harry's mind as the pair went down the elevator and out the front door:

he never found out who jessica was.


i think my mum is having boyfriend troubles and i think they're like not good atm bc i can hear her sort of crying and it's really quiet and im in my room and i can't tell if her boyfriends here or if she's talking on the phone or what but i don't wanna go out there...

anyway we lost futsal again tonight but i scored a goal which was good and the boys on the other team gave all of us girls roses for valentines day which was sweet

and i just heard my mums boyfriend speak so i guess he's here after all

anyway no edit no qotc no nothing bc im lazy and want to do other things and yeah so hope you enjoy

even though there's no qotc, please do comment something ((anything please) and vote :) thank you :)

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