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"why the fuck are you here?"

harry flung open the door, blocking the entryway, standing up to the man in front of him with a hard glare. he had gained confidence towards him, and even though he felt fear inside, he pushed it to the back of his mind and let the adrenaline take over.

"i'm here to pick up my girlfriend, you dick. hand her over."


"i guess we'll just have to do this the hard way, then."

harry was pushed with such force that he was thrown halfway across the room. liam slammed the door shut behind him, entering the living room in which harry now lay in the middle of.

"do you think you can take my girl away from me and get away with it? do you think you can take what's mine?"

"she's not yours. she never was."

harry charged at liam from the ground, tackling his legs and sending them both flying. this was where the punching began. though harry tried as hard as he could, liam was stronger, and that's where he got the advantage.

"this is for stealing her, you son of a bitch!"

liam grabbed harry's head and sent it slamming into the hard floor, knocking him out immediately. liam climbed off of harry, leaving him a bloody mess on the ground and started to look around the house in search of clementine. he called out to her, with no reply, but he found her in the bedroom where harry left her, still in the same position, but with more tears on her cheeks and distressed sobbing leaving her lips.

"it's okay, baby, i've come for you. i got you away from them, you can come with me now."

as soon as he took a step into the room, clementine recoiled, pushing her back up against the bed head, as far as she could go.

"stay away from me."

liam's face fell dramatically, watching as the girl he claimed to love cower away from him in fear. he never meant it to be like that; he truly thought she would be pleased to see him. his mind was so thwarted, so blinded by his insanity, that he didn't even realise that clementine hated him to the very pit of her bones. and no matter what she said, or what her actions told him, liam would never believe that clementine felt anything but love for him.

"let's go now, baby, let's go."

he walked across the room and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her towards him. she struggled, but was weak in his presence, and gave up very soon. even though she had spent a week in normal living conditions, gaining strength in her body, her mind still didn't have the ability to make a physical move against him.

but, she did have the ability to scream.

"let go of me! get your filthy hands off! stay away! stay away from me!"

he ignored her every word, dragging her out of the room, then the front door. she continued screaming and screaming until she could scream no more as he pulled her down the hall, oblivious to her words. clementine waited for someone to come out of their apartment. she waited for someone to stop him, to save her. she waited for someone to call the police.

but nobody ever did.


um not read through and no edit for instagram or any of that and no qotc just an update thanks k bye

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