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"we're going back."


"i said, we're going back. c'mon, let's go."

"back where?"

harry was standing impatiently at the motel door, jingling his keys and tapping his foot against the ugly carpet. niall took his time standing up from the old, springy couch, knowing it would make harry extremely annoyed, but not enough for him to get seriously mad.

"you know where, niall. clementine."

niall did know what harry was talking about from the very beginning, but for some reason, he always had to be sure. harry was a very confusing character and niall still didn't fully understand him. he could've been talking about anything, such as going back home, or back to the market. and niall was known for asking questions, and harry was, too, so they made a very curious, annoying, questioning pair.

"alright, alright, i'm coming, don't give me that look."

harry rolled his eyes and made his way over to his car, leaving the passenger door open for niall. when he heard the door slam shut, he started the car and left the motel behind.

"you know, clementine could press charges at us. we have been sorta stalking her and all."

"she wouldn't do that. all we've been doing is trying to help her. why would she press charges?"

"stalking, harry, stalking. people don't like it when you stalk them, it's creepy."

"if she does press charges, i'll take all the blame. i made you help me. you get off the hook, i get thrown in jail, then hopefully you can continue trying to help clementine where i can't."

"whoa, i didn't mean you had to look so deeply into it. i was only joking. mostly. but seriously, you'd take the blame for that? you'd do that for me?"

"no, not for you. i'd do it for her. for clementine."

"gee, thanks. i feel so obliged to continue helping you now."

"well, it's not like you can really go anywhere. you're kind of forced to help me at the moment."

"and why's that?"

"i am the one with the car keys, you know."

"oh, shut up, harry."


yay so i finally updated it's almost 12 am so it almost doesn't count

but i made it

and i'm getting ready to stay up till 3 am to watch midnight memories i'm so excited omfg

anyways please vote and comment :)

(p.s. we didn't lose futsal for the first time in like two seasons; we drew 4 - 4 instead :) also, my blisters on my heels are still killing me)

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