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"you couldn't do this last time, what makes you think you can do it this time?"

"it's been an entire week now, niall. something happened."

"how can you be so sure?"

"i just am."

"that's not a proper answer."

"it is to me."

niall rolled his eyes, never fully understanding the way harry thought. he hadn't even met her yet, and only spoken to her a total of about four times, and for some reason he wouldn't shut up about her. what did she look like? what was her favourite colour? did she have any pets? siblings? harry always wondered these things out loud, which really annoyed the hell out of niall sometimes. he never said anything, though, because he believed that it didn't matter what he said, harry would never listen.

"we're here, harry. i'm assuming you know where to go?"

"you assume right."

and for the second time, harry opened the car door and stepped out, anxiously making his way towards the apartment building.


harry tries again and niall is still a wimp

how do you nicely tell someone that they're not good at something without sounding mean? oh wait, it's impossible.

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