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"so, i guess you'll be staying in the car again."

"no, i think i might come along."


"remember what happened to your face last time? if i come, it's two versus one, the guy won't have a chance."

"he had some pretty big muscles, actually. fierce guy. he was taller than you, too."

"do you want me to come or not, harry?"

"of course, of course. get out of the car, i wanna lock it up. it's go time."

niall took in a deep breath and opened the door, nervously stepping outside. he still remembered the way the man sounded on the phone and had no desire to meet him. but, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if harry got hurt again. niall wasn't going to let that happen, no matter what.

"it's this one, right?"

"yep, that's it. go ahead, knock on the door."

"why don't you do it?"

"you're closest!"

"maybe so, but she's your clementine, not mine!"

harry's heart skipped a beat when niall called clementine his. he hated objectifying women in that way, but he so desperately wanted clementine, in a way he'd never felt before. and the sad thing was, she wasn't his. no, she wasn't anybody's. and he definitely wasn't going to let that evil man inside claim her as his own.

"alright then, here goes nothing."

harry took a deep breath and knocked on the door; once, twice, three times.

"who the fuck is that at the door?"

niall let out a long, low whistle, and both of their hearts started beating faster in their chests.

"here we go..."


yay we're 2/3 of the way through the story :) please, comment? i really love comments and i never get any :( really, you could comment something completely random and i'd be happy (though, i'd much rather if it was relevant to the story ahaha)

another update: my blisters on my heels are still complete nightmares. i don't know what i'm going to do at school on monday. save me :(

instagram: @ensorcelx

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