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harry didn't hesitate to punch right back, but before liam could continue his assault, niall used all of his strength to throw him to the ground.

"don't you lay any of your fucking fingers on my best friend, you fucking douchebag!"

niall started throwing punches as he screamed, angrier than he had been in years. no one would beat harry like that. no one.

but, before niall could any real damage, liam's strength overcame his, and he rolled niall over and straddled him, throwing angry punches to his face. niall fought back as hard as he could, but he was weaker than liam by a long shot.

"hey! leave niall out of this!"

harry pulled liam off niall and took over the fight, kneeing him in the stomach. niall was about to fight back once again, but as he pulled himself off the ground with blood running freely from his nose, he remembered clementine. he spotted her standing frozen in the middle of the motel room with her hand covering her mouth to smother her sobs. niall didn't know who she was crying for, but he had to get her out of here, fast.

"listen, sweetheart, you can stay here and cheer your boyfriend on or i can get you out of here."

"option one sounds like the worst idea in the world."

clementine and niall both managed to smile as he quickly gestured for her to come to him as liam was distracted by the fight. harry noticed what niall was trying to achieve and made sure that liam wasn't able to turn his head as he threw another punch.

once clementine was in the safety of niall's arms, he hugged her tightly, but it was short lived as he pulled her from the motel room and around the fighting men. he wanted to go and help harry so badly, but he knew that harry would never forgive him if he left clementine alone for the sake of a fight. there were people coming out of their rooms, watching the scene curiously, and that made niall furious.

"what are you all standing there staring for? someone call the police! this man has this poor girl locked up inside against her will! he hit my best friend for no reason, do something!"

after niall had shouted this at the top of his lungs, he took clementine to the safety of the car. she was shaking, but seemed okay. niall started to inspect her to make sure she had no signs of physical abuse, but she waved him off before he got very far.

"no, not now, please, go help him. please, help harry. i don't want him to get hurt, please."

all niall had to do was take one look into her desperately pleading eyes and he did exactly as she asked, turning around to sprint to the fighting men as sirens were heard wailing in the distance.


bit of narry there and even some nementine yay

my mum is telling me to read more bc she doesn't think i'm reading since i'm always on my ipad? like? hello? i read fan fiction on this ipad every day? i do read? i should probably be reading less?

ugh it makes me mad

anyway sorry i haven't been posting instagram photos but my mum's getting really picky about how much i'm on my ipad but the truth is there's nothing really else for me to do besides watch tv and that's just as bad as the ipad. idk. i never leave the house or go places. mostly bc i have no money.

anyway please vote and comment comment comment i really would love comments...

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