The Lavery Twins - Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"Yeah." I told the twins about the plan on Monday, and they were psyched about it. Matt hasn't seen the others in a while, either, so pretty much everybody was looking forward to re-uniting with each other.

"So," my dad said, a little uneasy, "it's just you kids? I'm sorry Holly, but I don't really like the idea of a bunch of teenagers in a cabin with no supervision."

"Well, Jack's pretty much going to be there," I assured him. "I mean, it's his cabin right? Why would he allow a bunch of us there without him?" I met Amber's uncle a bunch of times. He was honestly really cool. He was a kid at heart, and he was so easy-going. Whoever this Rachel and Brandon is, they're pretty lucky to have a dad like Jack.

My dad nodded, still a bit unsure about everything. "Well, okay I guess that's fine."

"Dad, you can trust me," I told him. "Ally's going, too. Matt, Shane....remember those kids that used to live on the street? Jordan, Morgan...Damian," I found myself blushing at the last name, and quickly looked away casually, hoping my dad didn't notice.

"Oh," my dad said, his eyes lighting up when I looked back at him, "Morgan's the quiet one, right? With the big glasses?"

I nodded, confirming his description. "Yup, that's her alright."

My dad nodded, looking down at my cereal. "Well, you better hurry up and finish your breakfast if you want to get ready."

I grinned, and quick bite after quick bite, I finally finished my cereal. My dad looked at me wide-eyed as I quickly got up from the table and dumped my dishes in the sink.

"Take it easy!" He warned as I flew up the stairs, eager to start packing already. Yes, I should have packed this week, or yesterday at least...but I kind of fell behind. How? Don't ask, I'm just a lazy person, always waiting till the last minute.

I still had time, though. I searched my room for my phone, and when I saw it on the top of my dresser, I grabbed it and checked the time. Ten-fifteen. Time's ticking.

I started with pulling out my luggage from the closet. It's practically just a big-ass rolling bag I always take with me when I stay places for more than a night. It was black and pink checkered, and I opened it up --unzipping it, and layed it on my messy bed, ready to be filled with things.

I scratched the back of my neck. Ally and I were going to stay a week along with everybody else. I quickly thought everything over, clothing wise. Damn, I would need alot of shit to go.

I went to my closet, and literally yanked everything out. I don't care if my room's a mess, I could just clean it up when I get back next week.



When I was finally done packing everything I was sure I needed, I smiled in victory at my closed up suitcase. I'm actually surprised it closed up with ease. I packed alot of things. I practically packed what seems like my whole closet.....but, just a quarter of it. It's still alot though.

I quickly stripped down from my PJ's, and threw on a neon orange bra with matching panties. I looked around my clothing-scattered floor, and found a black pair of Hollister shorts which I slipped myself into. Finally, I just threw on a baggy white tank-top, not caring if my orange bra was slightly shown through the material. It's not a big deal. I'm going camping, and it's not like people haven't seen an orange bra before. Give me a break.

I looked at myself through my body-length mirror, and nodded in approval. I looked good, but casual. I looked like I was going to stay at a cabin for a week, but I also looked a tad bit sexy, and I no longer looked like that ugly chubby girl who was always left out in those Truth or Dare games with everybody.

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