"Ok so today we are here with one of if not the best boy band in the world." The interviewer said toward the camera then turned his attention toward us. "Liam, Niall, Louis, Harry and Zayn it's nice to meet you all. How are you all today? How are you enjoying your break?"

I didn't particularly want to answer the first question so I let the others decide on who wanted to answer the question. Eventually after a few seconds of silence Liam spoke up. With things being awkward between Louis and Zayn and Niall not wanting to draw any attention to himself it was the best option.

"We're good thank you. All of us are very well and we are enjoying this break before we go back on tour. We've been getting a few things done while we've been off but most of the time we are all just spending time with family and loved ones." Liam explained and the interviewer nodded before continuing.

"Aww that's nice. So you've started planning on your new album we've heard?" he suggested and I nodded this time.

"Yeah we have a lot planned for the future. I'm sure everyone will be happy with it!" I answered and the other boys agreed with me.

"Ok so obviously you must know we were going to ask this but what happened with the accident? Niall do you care to explain?" he asked and I saw Niall get a little embarrassed. 

The interview didn't take too long and mainly just consisted of questions about Niall's health and what had happened to cause such an accident. Without going into too much detail we told the interviewer that Niall had been upset while driving when he was hit by another car. Nothing was mentioned about Liam and Niall's fall out as that was all now behind us. We said our goodbyes and soon enough we were all back in the car we had come in and on our way out for Lunch.

"Where are you going boys?" Paul asked who was sitting up front with our driver.

"Just somewhere nice." I answered and he nodded telling the driver to turn down a next road.

After half an hour driving around to lose paparazzi and fans we arrived in a small parking lot of a nice burger restaurant. Paul told us he would keep an eye outside the building as long as we brought him some takeout. Normally the security would come inside and eat with us but after such an intense interview they thought it would be nice for us all to spend some time together.

"So what we getting?" I asked Niall as we took a seat.

"How about a pizza to share and then a meal each." he suggests and I nodded laughing at his eating habits I still wasn't used to.

Liam had taken a seat next to Niall which meant Zayn and Louis had to sit together. You could feel the tension coming off them both and I don't think I was the only one who noticed. Niall was watching them both with curious eyes as they exchanged an awkward glance then quickly diverted their eyes to the menus' they were both now holding.

"What's everyone getting?" Liam asked and Niall explained our orders before Louis jumped in.

"I think I'm just going to get some chips and a burger."

"Yeah same." Zayn mumbles.

A polite waitress soon comes over and takes our orders then goes off to get our drinks for us. Zayn gets up and tells us he's going to the bathroom and Niall gets up to follow leaving Louis, Liam and I sat at the table to wait for our drinks.

"Hey Lou you alright?" Liam asks looking concerned and Lou nods his head slightly.

"Yeah I'm ok, just a little tired." He lies but Liam believes it, I know him that little bit better so I can tell he's lying.

Liam leaves the subject there and Zayn and Niall soon come back to the table just as our drinks arrive. As Niall slides in next to me he sees me looking over at Louis who once again is looking very nervous to have Zayn sitting next to him. Niall looks between me and Louis and then at Zayn before nudging me under the table and giving me a look as if to say what are you hiding? I glare back mouthing that I'd speak to him later and he leaves the subject. 

Once our food arrives we all eat in silence at first but then a small conversation breaks out between us all and we chat for a while. When we finished eating we ordered a couple meals for Paul and the other security guards. It doesn't take them long to make the meals so we're soon out the restaurant and back in the car with our driver taking us home. Liam is dropped off first and then Zayn and then Louis leaving Niall and I last.

"Can you drop us both at mine?" Niall asks and the driver nods turning the corner into Niall's road.

When we reach the outside of Niall's house Paul waves us off and we get out the car shouting goodbye. I didn't plan on staying at Niall's tonight but if that's what he wants then so be it. I'm not going to turn down the chance to spend the night with my boyfriend. 

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