Chapter Thirty-Three (Unedited)

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The remainder of the ambulance ride was in a deafening silence. Liam continued to stroke my hair and comfort me, but no words were spoken. I was taken into an exam room and stitched up from my injuries, twelve on my stomach and another 4 for my lip. An officer came in to talk to me about my kidnapping. I inquired to where Liam was and was informed that he to was speaking with the authorities. He needed to make a statement about necessary force. He did kill Jason, after all. The issue was, it wasn't self-defense, but God knows what would have happened to me if he didn't. After speaking with the officers, I was left in the room alone.

After about an half an hour, Liam came into the room. He cupped both of my cheeks and capture my eyes with his mesmerizing green one. They were so full of love and devotion. This warred with sense of betrayal in my heart and the images that Jason projected in my mind. "Anne, look at me. I can't stand your silence. Nothing happened between Miranda and I. I couldn't do that. Not to you. Not to me."

I spoke my first words since being attached, "But you were going to."His eyes filled with sorrow and regret and then I dropped my gaze from his.

"I don't think I was, Anne. I said it, but I have never felt so sick in all of my life." Liam reached up and stroked my cheek. I stiffened momentarily and he dropped his hand.

"You know how much I hate her. You know that torment she has been putting me through since the day we got together. You have been with her Liam. I can't stand it. How would you like it if I had fucked somebody else before. If that person was constantly throwing it in your face. Then I was going to let him fuck me again. Whether or not it was to protect you. How would you feel!" The tears were streaming down my cheeks at this point. I look up at Liam and my heartbreaks just a little bit more. A tear rolled down his cheek and his eyes held more sorrow than I could bare.

"It would kill me. I am so sorry, Anne. Please, tell me what I can do. I will do anything for you."

"Time Liam, I need time." Maybe I shouldn't be making these decisions after such a traumatic experience. I am so confused. I want to be held in his strong arms, but at the same time, I can stand to be by him right now.

"Okay, I will give you time. I will always be there for you, no matter how much time you need. I love you." Liam leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on my lips, then he left.


It has been a week since I last spoke with Liam. My house has gone back to normal now since the threat is gone. Tanner came by a couple of days ago and gathered all of his tech stuff. I had him leave the cameras due to my paranoia. Mike and Liam are no longer camped out at my house and by security detail has been dispatched. I even had a weekend visit with my sister. We spent time getting mani-pedis, going out the to eat and having netflix marathons of Mako Island (she is really into mermaids right now) and The Walking Dead. I am not sure how those two go together, but she had fun. Life in general is returning to normal and I start work again today after an extended leave.

On the outside, I was doing good. On the inside, I was falling apart. I know that I wanted time and space. I never knew how much it would hurt or how hard it would be. I haven't had a full night of sleep since I was taken. You might think it was do to nightmares, but it was due to loneliness. I can't sleep without Liam's arms holding me close at night, without his warmth or his love. I thought for sure he would have contacted me by now, made some sort of contact with me, but it has been silent between us. I haven't even seen him in passing.

Surprisingly, I did receive a visit from Miranda. I wasn't too sure how I would feel about that. She expressed her deep regret with getting involved with Jason and that she didn't understand the severity of the situation. She also expressed her regret of chasing after Liam after we were together. She explained how jealous she was. She said that when he found out I was taken, it hit her that he was absolutely in love with with. Miranda also told me that he put a stop to anything as soon as she was through to door. After seeing his love for me and grasping the urgency of the situation, she helped Liam locate me by giving him not just the name of the motel, but the room that he was in. Honestly, I owe her my life. I was surprised by the closure that I felt after our visit. My resentment towards her just melted away.

Walking into work, I felt a sense of calm. I couldn't really explain it. I just knew that everything was going to be okay. Marv welcomed me back with open arms. He even offered me an assistant manager position with more day-time hours. I was so excited to finally start doing something that fell within my degrees field. I would be starting in a couple of weeks. I had to do some training first and we have to hire another server.

As the night progressed, the bar area started to fill up, getting ready for the band to start up. A hand cups my arm and I jolted in surprise. "Anne! I am so glad to see you here!!" Jenna squealed. "Take us to a table in your section, but I want a good view of the band tonight." I gave Jenna a quick hug and turned to Chris who nearly crushed me in his embrace. I walked them to a table that had a great view. "Ohhh, they are about to start Anne!" I gave Jenna a friendly smile and was about to take her drink order when a voice began to sing.

"I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman's got nothing on me

I'm only one call away..."

I turned and looked to where the voice was coming from and there stood Liam on the stage, his eyes locked on mine.

"Call me, baby, if you need a friend

I just wanna give you love

Come on, come on, come on

Reaching out to you, so take a change

No matter where you go

You know you're not alone..."

As he sang, the words came through with such meaning and love. He was always there for me. He saved me. He is asking for a chance, a chance to love me. With our eyes still locked, Liam started to make his way towards me, until he was right in front of me, singing and confessing to the world that he is mine.

"No matter where you go

You know you're not alone.

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away"

As the song ended. Liam reached up and cupped my check, "I love you, Anne." I gazed into his eyes, my heart exploding with loving.

"I love you too, Liam." Then I kissed him.

***Feedback is welcome. Voting is appreciated!***

Hey readers, would you like a little more of Liam's and Anne's story? Should I add an epilogue?

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