Chapter Twenty-Nine (Unedited)

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This chapter is going to be written in both Anne's and Liam's points of view.


I had to get out of there. I had to run. I had to run as far from Liam and the pain as possible. The thought of his lips on hers right now was making me sick. I had to forget. Running makes me forget. I started off on a bruising pace. My legs pumping as fast as they could. I ran down the trail that I was very familiar with. This was the trail that I would take with Jenna. The familiarity of it calmed me, but I knew it wouldn't be nearly long enough to make me forget. I decided that I would take an extra loop around the park. That should up my mileage and help make me numb. I wanted to be numb. Being numb was so much better that the pain. I kept getting visions of Liam's hands touching her body, his lips on hers. Their naked bodies pressed together. Her writhing in pleasure underneath him. I needed to run away from these thoughts, but running extra long and fast wasn't even working. I could feel myself beginning to crash and burn. My legs were starting to slow as the images sped up. With my mind in an inner termoil, I didn't hear the pounding of feet behind me. I didn't pay attention to the crunching of leaves as my mind played the heart crushing images before my eyes. I didn't notice any of it until it was to late.

"I told you I would find you." Jason's voice broke me of my inner obsession with Liam and Miranda. His hand gripped my wrist with bruising force as he yanked me backwards on my ass. I looked up just in time to see him lung on top of me with some thing white in his hands. I opened my mouth to scream as he forces a smelly rag over my mouth and nose. "Sweet dreams, my love." He whispered in my ear as my world was over taken in darkness.


I am such an asshole. I hate myself right now. Mike was right, there has to be another way without saving Anne by breaking Anne. Miranda was due here any minute and I am absolutely sick with myself. I knew texting her like that was wrong. I knew it was hurting Anne. I wanted to kick my own ass right now. My heart absolutely broke when she was reading the texts. I wanted to hide them from her, but I had to be honest with her. I don't know what I expected really. I didn't expect the look of absolute betrayal in her eyes. I didn't expect her to tell me to go home and never come back. I sure as fuck didn't expect her to say that when this was all over that she was leaving Bar Harbor. FUCK!!


God damn it! She's here and I still don't have a plan. I opened the door and there stood the she-spawn of the devil. It is pathetic really how quickly she was willing to come over here and spread her legs. She has absolutely no self-respect. Not like my Anne. The thought of her name squeezed tightly on my chest.

"Hey." Was all that I could get out. My voice was stuck in my throat. Again, I thought to myself, I am such a fucking asshole.

"Hello to you too." Miranda giggled, running her finger down my chest. My whole body cringed with the single touch and I knew what I had to do.

"Miranda, let's talk." I said to her in an all business voices. I placed my hand on the small of her back to guide her into the house. My eyes drifted over to Anne's and locked with hers. I could see and feel the heartbreak in them as I guided Miranda into my house. I closed the door behind us and Miranda instantly pressed her body up against mine and purred. She fucking purred. I placed both of my hands on her shoulders and pushed her back.

"Sit." I commanded her as I was trying to gain my composure. As soon as this shit was over, I was going to see Anne. I had to fix what I messed up. That girl was my fucking world. She was my everything and I wanted her to be my everyday, forever.

"But I don't want to sit, baby. I want you." Miranda started to lift her shirt above her head. I placed my hands on hers and stopped her.

"I said sit. We need to talk." I turned my eyes as cold as I possible could and my voice low with command. She noticed this and huffed, but took a seat. "Miranda, I know that I said that I wanted to fuck, but I don't. I needed to talk to you and that was the only way I knew how to get you to come over here."

"What the fuck Liam! Is this still about that bitch!"

"Don't call her that." I growled. "I don't think you know what your are doing so I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt." I gave her a pointed look. "How do you know Jason."

"Jason, this is about Jason. God, what are you, jealous. You don't want me, but he can't have me either?" Miranda screeched.

"Hardly. What is Jason to you? This is important. Life and death important, Miranda." I looked at her with softer eyes, to show her my sincerity.

Miranda let out a sigh, "He approached me a few weeks ago. He said that he can help me get you back if I help him get Anne back."

"Have you slept with him." I questioned. "I saw you kissing."

"Oh God, seriously Liam. Are you sure you are not jealous?" She questioned. I raised my eyebrow waiting for the answer. "Yes, I have. Multiple times. Why?"

"Jesus, Miranda." I said shaking my head. "Okay, I am going to tell you something that until now, I didn't think was your business. But now I am worried about you too. Jason is murder." I paused and waited for my announcement to sink in. As it does, I could see the color draining from Miranda's face as her eyes grew as big as saucers. "Jason is Anne, well Carolyn's, ex-boyfriend. On prom night, he beat her, dislocated her arm and stabbed her in the back seven times. Then he was going to rape her as she died. Thankfully, she was rescued before that could happen."

"Oh, God." Miranda's hand went to her mouth. Tears started forming in her eyes.

"That's not all. He got off on a technicality. Some BS about him being bipolar, but the fucker is not bipolar. I know people who are and they are not like that. This guy is straight-up psychopath. When he was release from the mental hospital, he tampered with her car. Her parents had to use her car to pick up her sister since Anne accidentally took their keys. The car wrecked and both of her parents died." I looked up to Miranda and she was openly sobbing at this time. "That's when she moved here under a different name. They couldn't prove that it was him, but it was. I am her boyfriend, but I am also in charge of her security. Well, Jason went missing until a few weeks ago when he was spotted here and he started texting her and stalking her again. He is going to kill her, Miranda."

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Miranda was now shaking her head over and over.

"What's wrong." I placed a hand on either side of her face, forcing her to look at me.

"He's here. I told him I was coming to see you. That we were getting together and he could get Anne back. He's here!"

The front door slammed open, "LIAM, LIAM...FUCK, FUCK, FUCK." Mike stood in the door way with wild eyes. "She's gone Liam. He's got her!"

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