Chapter Twenty-Four(Unedited)

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   "Yes, I got the plan, Liam." I sighed in exasperation.  Liam has been hounding me and quizzing me all day about our plan to find out where Jason is hiding.  I know that I should be grateful for all of his love and support.  I understand that he is just worried about my safety, but lord almighty, he needs to back off some.  My nerves are frayed as it is.  With Jason's text assault, missing my sister and my parents death, I am about at my wits end.  Then throw on top of that, dealing with that skank ass Miranda and her relentless flirting.  I swear, one of these days I am just going to bitch slap her.

    "Baby, it's all going to be okay.  I got you."  Liam wrapped his strong corded arms around me, pulling me into his hard warm chest.  A calm washed over me as he laid whisper soft kisses to my temple.  "Anne, baby, I love you." Slowly he turned me around and gazed his emerald eyes into mine and kissed me slowly, deeply, showing me every ounce of his love and devotion.  My heart rate picked up as my knees grew weak.  "Better?"

   "Yes, I'm better."  Liam was my drug of choice.  His arms can calm my nerves and bring me a sense of peace.  His lips are a high that me dizzy.  His body moving with mine is euphoric. I am addicted.

   "Okay, let's go."  The plan was really pretty simple.  I was to dress in distinguishable outfits each day, not to repeat colors or styles.  That way it would be easier for us to distinguish which days the pictures were taken.  We took several pictures of me today from different angles, to capture different views of my outfits.  I would start our day off  with my hair down, then in the early evening, I would pull it up into a ponytail.  Liam and I were to always be together, but we would constantly be in public places.  On Liam's phone, we were to record the times and places of the places that we visited.  Today, I was wearing a cute ruby red halter top with black skinny capris and my black strappy sandals.  The combination of red and black will stand out in pictures, whether or not they are clear.  This will help us if Jason does send me a picture of me from today.  We will be able to easily locate me in surveillance footage.

   "Look at me, Anne.  We are going to have fun today.  Even though we are trying to get that fuck wad to take a picture of you, we will have fun.  Concentrate on me and the experiences that we will be having.  We need to look natural and natural for me is having fun with the woman that I love."  My heart swelled up with his words and my vision clouded with my unshed tears.

     "I love you too, Liam.  I'm ready."


    Liam wasn't joking when he said that today was going to be fun.  He went all out on making this an experience that I will always remember.  First we went to the Mount Desert Oceanarium. This was something that I really enjoyed.  Instead of the basic aquarium, the oceanarium teaches about sea life.  I was a hands-on experience with sea turtles, star fish and even lobsters. While I was leaning in to observe my most beloved crustation, Liam whispered in my ear, "Anne Wells, you are my lobster."  His Phoebe Buffay reference from Friends made me swoon just a little bit more.  I looked up at him, bright faced, and wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his head down for a scorching kiss.  I still can't believe that he is mine.  Our kiss continued to intensify until we heard a throat clear from behind us.  My cheeks heated up as we gave our apologies and moved onto our next exhibit.

   As we entered Liam's car, he pulled me into a kiss that quickly ignited my need for him.  Heat spread through my body and centered in my core.  Liam broke the kiss first and placed his forehead against mine. "God, Anne. The things I want to do to you right now...I can't do in public and won't do to you in a car.  But know this." He placed another hard kiss on my lips and sucked my bottom lip into his mouth.  "I want every inch of you so fucking bad right now."  Then suddenly, he was gone and starting the car.  

   "W-w-what..."  Was all I could my mind to come up with.  I looked at Liam with my mouth agape and lust in my eyes.  My whole body was on fire with need and there was nothing I could do about.

   "Now you know how I feel every second of everyday."  Liam commented with a smirk, then winked at me.

   After what seemed like an hour drive, trying to get my arousal in check, we ended up at the Side Street Cafe.  It was one of my favorite places to go.  We immediately take a table in the corner of the outside seating area.  The weather was mild and loved the view of the water from our table.  It also put us in a great place to either be photographed or or to capture someone who was photographing us.  

   "Baby, what are you ordering?  I will be eating lobster tonight, but I think I will order the ribeye."  Liam asked peeking over the top of his menu biting his lip.  Lord, I don't know how I am going to make it through this evening with him.  I could feel myself flush and fanned my chest with my menu.  

   "I would love the clam chowder."  I glanced at my menu again and smiled.  "Liam, do you want to share the crabmeat cakes with me too?"

   "Sounds great, I'll flag down our server."  When Liam was signaling our server, I remembered that I needed to put my hair up.  

   "Liam, I need to step into the bathroom.  I'll be right back."  Liam instantly looked up at me with worried eyes.  I gave him an exasperated look, then he nodded his acceptance as the server greeted him at our table.

    Walking through the cafe, I suddenly got a chill up my back.  I looked behind me and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.  I did have an open back on my halter top, and I thought to myself it was probably just a draft.  I entered the ladies room and quickly put my hair up in a high ponytail.  Looking in the mirror, I reapplied my lip gloss and deemed myself ready to go.  As I walked back to our seats, I got that feeling again.  This time it was more like a tingle or uneasy feeling that crawled up my spine, like I was being watched.  Knowing that this was very possible, I made my way back to Liam as quickly as possible.  As I approached our table, I came to a complete stand still.  Liam was not alone.

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