Chapter Thirty-One (Unedited)

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   "She's gone Liam.  He's got her!"

   My heart literally froze in my chest.  I know that I couldn't have heard him correctly.  "What did you say?"  I turned a hard glare towards Mike.

   "She's gone."

   "How the FUCK did she get by you guys!?" I bellowed.  I know that losing my cool won't help here, but my baby is missing. The adrenaline pumped through my veins. My body vibrating with the need to rescue my girl. 

  "She was up in her room getting her running gear on.  With what you were doing over here," he gave a pointed stare at me that went right to my heart. "we gave her a little space to get ready.  I went up there to check on her and she was gone."

  "FUCK!"  I turned and put my fist threw the wall, dust clouded around me.  Why the fuck did I leave her alone?  I broke her heart to try to get information from Miranda and now she's gone.  I am no fucking closer to knowing where that asshole is and he has my girl.  Miranda!  

   "You set this up!  YOU brought HIM to her!"  I turned my glare at Miranda as I stalked closer.  I could she that she was terrified of me at this moment, but I don't give a fuck.  Anne is out there brokenhearted and possibly worse and she led him here.

   "Liam, I swear, I didn't know what he wanted.  I swear."  Miranda's eyes welled up with tears and her chin quivered.

   "Known it or not, YOU are an accessory if ANYTHING happens to her."  I am right in her face now, my finger poking into her chest.  "I swear to GOD, you better hope not a single hair is out of place.  You better hope-"  I was cut off by Mike pulling me back.  I was starting to loose my cool and thank fuck he was here to reign me in.

   "Liam, Liam!  Please tell me it not true, Please."  My sister Jenna comes running through the door into my arms.  I hug her fiercely.  She doesn't love Anne as much as I do, but she is a close second.  Anne has been like a sister to her since she moved next door.

   My voice caught in my throat when I looked into my sisters desperate eyes. Breaking contact I stutter out, "H-he got her. I am so s-sorry.  I tried, I really did." Jenna's hand comes up and wipes my check. Realization hits me that I was crying.  God, I love her.  My whole body is broken thinking about what might be happening to her. 

  A small hand touches my arm. "Liam, you really love her don't you?"  Miranda tilts her head towards me.

   "More than anything.  Miranda, you have to help us, please."  I look at her imploringly.  "I know that you two were together.  Where did he take you, where did you go?"  As much as I hate to admit it, but Miranda was the key to getting Anne back.

   "We usually went back to my place, but once he took me some place else."

   "Where, where did he take you!"  My voice rose and I could tell that I scared her.  I took a deep breath, "Miranda, where did he take you?"

    "We went to the Cromwell Harbor Motel on Main Street."

    "Okay! Miranda, do you remember what room he was in?"  

    "Not the number, but it was the last one on the left."  I quickly grabbed Miranda in a hug and thanked her.

    "Mike, I need you to call the BHPD and update them on the situation.  I'm going to call Detective Briggs on the way."  I rushed into the backroom and put on my shoulder holster and checed to make sure that my 9 mm Glock was fully loaded.  I then checked to make sure I had extra ammo.  Not wanting to take any chances, I strapped on my ankle holster too.  This fucker was going down.  I assembled the rest of the team that has been stationed around Anne's home. Half got in the car with Mike and the rest with me.

   "Jenna, take Miranda back to your house. I'll call once we have her secured."  I gave Jenna a quick kiss on the forehead and then sped off down the road. While driving, I quickly filled Detective Briggs in on the situation.

   "Liam, you better find her and fast. He is a sick man."

   "I'm on my way now. Miranda just told us of his last known location." My heart was beating erratically. I know what that fucker is capable of and who his obsession is with. I needed to stay focused and calm, so I could do my job and bring my girl home.  Shit, is she even still my girl, my Anne? God! I am such an Asshole!

   As if reading my mind, Detective Briggs breaks my thoughts, "Liam, she loves you. That is as clear as day. She'll forgive you. Just focus on saving Anne. The rest will fall into place."

   "Thanks, I'll see you when you flight lands. Got to go, pulling up now."  I disconnected the Bluetooth and cut the engine.  Mike hopped out of his car right behind me.

   "Liam, the BHPD, want us to wait for them to show up at the scene.  They are getting a search warrant now for this shit hole."

   "FUCK that. My baby needs me now and I am NOT waiting for their slow assessment.  You got my back?"  My eyes held his with and unknown intensity. He could join me and go against the BHPD or he could wait. Either way, I was getting Anne back.

   "Like it is even a question. Let's go get your girl."

   My team followed my lead to the end of the motel. In my haste to get here, I didn't stop at the office for a key. I'll just have to kick the door down.  As I am signaling the team for entry, I hear Anne's shrill scream.


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