Chapter Five (Unedited)

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Not on the plan...meeting my neighbor. My knee weakening, soul stealing, drool inducing, ass hole of a neighbor.  Have you ever been caught in a moment where you were staring at a catastrophic event so horrible you couldn't look away, like a train wreck?  Well that was what it was like when I first saw him, washing his car, shirtless.  I had just gotten back from the grocery store with a few of the basics; eggs, flour, milk, butter, you get the idea.  I pick my bag up off the passenger seat of my car and BAM. There is my neighbor scrubbing his blacked out Mustang. Broad tan shoulders stretching across the hood of his car.  Dark, almost black shaggy hair curled slightly at the end. Corded muscles contracting as he scrubbed. His waist was narrow and displayed two perfect dimples just above the band of his shorts. Oh, god, that ass and defined calf muscles. Feeling the visual assault, he turned slowly. My pulse quickened and I felt a flip in my belly when I took in what was the most amazing physique I have ever seen. I am not sure if eight packs exist or not, but I swear he had one. Then there was his chest, peaks and valleys, smooth and tanned. A throat clearing brought me out of my stupor.  My eyes darted up to his and I gasped.  Never had I seen such a brilliant, vibrant green. So intense, they pierced right to my soul.  I heard the contents of my bag hit the cement before my brain could register what just happened.

    "You dropped something." The timber of his voice pulse right through me, causing my senses to go into overdrive.  All I could do was blink. Stare and blink, not a single comprehensible thought entered my mind. He then chuckled and turned back around.  Shaking my head, I looking down. Fuck. I had actually dropped my bag. Yup, eggs smashed, milk splattered up my legs, flour everywhere. Shit, I was the train wreck. What was wrong with me. I had successfully sworn of guys since Jason. Me and my one hand chick lit books were getting along just fine.  Hell, I made it through college without a reaction like this one.  Heart still pounding, I looked up, closed my eyes and prayed for divine intervention with a hot problem, my neighbor. Not like it really mattered after my making an ass out of myself ogling him to a point where I dropped all of my groceries.  Freezing cold water sprayed across my body, followed by a sarcastic, "There, now you can go inside.  Don't say I never did anything for ya...Well, that's two things now isn't." Cocking his head and smirking, I knew exactly what he was referring to.

    Heat flushed my cheeks confirming his accusation. Now mortified, I yelled, "What is wrong with you!" Looking down at my now drenched clothes, I watched his perfect form walked away. Stop, stop, stop!  Form might be perfect but he was an ass hole.

    "Hey, I just did ya a favor" Ass hole threw over his shoulder as he entered his front door and slammed it shut behind him.  A favor?  What the hell?


    I was just snuggling up on my couch with my new book, ready to get Ass Hole off my mind when I heard a tentative knock on the door. Great, now he was going to ruin my evening too. I was instantly annoyed with myself as my heart did a little flipflop when his cocky little smirk graced my memory.  Shaking my head to regain my senses, I approached my door and peered through the peephole, a habit you just don't break after what I have been through. Now, even more frustrated with myself for the squeeze of disappointment when I saw a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties waiting at my door. Her honey colored hair was in a high ponytail. She looked like she was about to go for a run with her coordinated running shoes, spandex shorts and tank.  She glanced down at her FitBit and then up again at the door. Bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet, she knocked again.

    "Can I help you?" I asked, opening up the door. Her smile lit up her face, showing her line of perfectly white teeth and twinkling aqua eyes.

    "Ah, yea. I'm Jenna. You're new here right?" I raised my brow. "Of course you are.  This isn't coming out right. I live next door. Well, my husband Tom and I, and our 3 year old, Izzy." Shit, hot Ass Hole was married and with a baby no less. God, poor Jenna.  Married to that.  "I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood."

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