Chapter Twenty-Eight (Unedited)

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"That BITCH!" I yelled, staring flabbergasted at the screen. There was Miranda making out with Jason. Not that I cared for her safety, because honestly, I couldn't give a shit. It was just that she was setting me up. I had my hands balled into fist at my side and I was seething.

"Anne, this is a good thing. This gives us another access point to Jason. Miranda knows how to get in touch with him and I can get in touch with her." My body stiffened with his comment.

"What do you mean, you can get in touch with her." My eyes glared at him as ice ran through my veins. I didn't like the sound of this. Not one bit.

"Come on. You know what I mean. I have her number. I can get her to meet up with me and get some information from her."

"No." I looked at him flatly and crossed my arms.

"Anne, I have to. I have to protect you. If that means meeting with Miranda and leading her on a bit. I'm doing it." Liam commanded with a firm voice. I knew that there was not changing his mind and honestly, the damage was already done.

"That's not protecting me. That's hurting me." I looked up at him. A single traitorous tear fell down my check as my heart broke in half. Even if it didn't mean anything, the thought of him talking with her, flirting with her, maybe even touching or kissing her to get information made me sick.

"Anne, I don't want to hurt you. That is the last thing that I want. But I will if I have to, if it will keep you alive." Liam reached for me and swatted his hand away. I could see the hurt that flashed through his eyes, but I was so upset that I just couldn't bring myself to give a damn.

"Anne, Liam's right. It looks like the best way. She might be the key to bringing him down." Mike tried to convince me of this plan.

"You guys already talked about this didn't you?" I look at each of the accusingly. "You made this plan without me. My opinion doesn't matter to you any of you. This is my life and my heart that you are all fucking with, but fuck me right!" I look into Liam's eyes and they are filled with guilt and he quickly looks away. "You already called her, didn't you?"

"I told you, Anne. This is the only way to protect you." Liam reached for me again and I took another step back, cutting off his attempt.

"You didn't answer me. You already called her, didn't you!" I could feel the cutting pain of my nails biting into my balled up fists.

"Yes." Liam closed his eyes in defeat. I looked around the room and both Mike and the ever so quiet Tanner were avoiding making eye contact with me. I couldn't even look at any of them any more. I turned my back and put my hands on my hips. I felt Liam's hand on my shoulder. "I promise, I wouldn't have if I didn't think it was the only way. I hate her, I promise. But I love you. I have to keep you safe."

"What did you say to her." I turned and looked into his eyes. My arms were crossed tightly around my chest in an attempt to keep my heart from breaking further. I don't know if I really wanted to know, but I felt like I needed to.

"Anne, I didn't talk to her yet. I just texted her."

"Show me."


"Show me your fucking phone, Liam." Liam handed me his phone and looked down. Avoiding my eyes. My heart sank prior opening up his text messages.

LIAM: Hey babe, how's your wrist?

MIRANDA: I'm babe now.

LIAM: Yeah

MIRANDA: It's fine

LIAM: I miss you

MIRANDA: What about your little bitch

LIAM: She just causes a lot of drama

MIRANDA: Tell me about it

LIAM: She shouldn't have touched you. It pissed me off

MIRANDA: You didn't seem to mind when she did

LIAM: Just surprised. I haven't talked to her since.

MIRANDA: I missed you too

LIAM: What do miss?

MIRANDA: Everything

LIAM: Like what ;)

MIRANDA: Naughty boy ;)

LIAM: You know it! Tell me. :-*

MIRANDA: I miss your touch, your lips

LIAM: Mmmm, what else?

MIRANDA: Your cock filling me up.


LIAM: I miss that to. You were always the best


LIAM: You know it

LIAM: Wanna come over

MIRANDA: I am already so wet for you

LIAM: When can you be here?


LIAM: I'm gonna fuck that pussy of your so hard

MIRANDA: I'm touching it now

LIAM: DONT! Save it for me



I hand the phone back to Liam with a shaking hand. Tears were steadily streaming down my checks. I couldn't bring my eyes up to meet his. I felt betrayed, worthless. My heart was tearing in half and my stomach was clenching in a tight knot. I just wanted away from him.

"Anne, I had to make it look like I wanted her. I needed her to come over." He lifted my chin with his finger and forced my eyes to look into his emerald orbs. The same orbs that used to bring me peace and tranquility, that are now tearing my world apart. This pain was worse than anything that Jason has ever done to me physically. The stabbing in my chest from Liam's text messages is more intense the stabbing in my back from Jason's knife. I never knew that love could hurt this bad.

"Are you going to do it? Are you going to kiss her...fuck her, to get the information that you need." I tried to steel my heart waiting for his reply. He let go of my chin and dropped his eyes.

"I will do what I have to, to get the information to keep you safe, Anne. You mean everything. She means nothing."

"I obviously don't mean enough. You might win the battle, but you WILL lose the war and the war being me." With that, I turned on my heel and walked out the room. I could hear Liam call my name, but I kept walking to my room and locked myself in. Liam started knocking on my bedroom door and I ignored him.

"Baby, please. I don't like this either. I need to protect you." I looked at the time on my phone, 3:45 pm.

"No, you need to get home and get ready to fuck Miranda. Don't come back here tonight, or any other night for that matter. Mike is staying with me until this is over. Then I'm leaving. There is nothing left here for me anyways."

"Anne..." I could hear the pain in his voice.

"I SAID LEAVE!" I screamed through the door, then curled myself into a ball and started to sob. Through the door I could here Mike.

"What are you doing Liam? I know you are trying to save Anne, but at what cost?..." His voice got softer as I heard their footsteps moving further down the hallway then down the stairs. My heart dripped down to the bottom of my stomach as I heard the front door close. I looked at my phone again, 3:50. Only ten more minutes until my heart is broken beyond repair. I couldn't just sit around and wait for that to happen. I went to my closet and put on a pair of my favorite compression pants, a sports bra and a tank. It has gotten much colder since I moved here, so I through on a running jacket too. Quickly I went into my bathroom and put my hair up into a high ponytail. I sprinted down my steps and put on my running shoes. As soon as I stepped onto my front porch, I heard the unmistakable giggle of the she-bitch herself. My head snapped towards Liam's house on its own accord. My eyes locked on his as he was ushering her into his home with his hand on the small of her back. My world stopped as his front door closed.

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