Chapter Thirty (Unedited)

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   My head was swimming and my thought were hazy as I tried to place what had happened.  I feel like I am caught in a dream and cannot wake up.  My limbs are numb and I can't move. As soon as a memory starts to surface, I am pulled back under a thick blanket of nothingness.

  My mind finally catches a strand of a memory, just a sliver at first.  I was running, running from some sort of pain.  I can remember pain, not physical pain, but emotional pain.  As the memory resurfaces, my heart beat sped up and the vice that was around my heart starts to tighten. 


My pain was from Liam, but why.  Liam loves me.  Why does his name cause me pain right now?


Their text messages.  Oh, God, their messages.  The detailed messages of how they want to fuck. My Liam and Miranda.  The look in Liam's eyes after I read them, the regret.  My breathing is now catching up to my heart rate.  I can feel the panic building inside of me.  I try to open my eyes, but I still can't see.  Is it dark where I am?  Oh God, where am I?  

   More memories start to come to me.  Running, a hand grabbing me.  


Now, I am in a full blown panic.  Jason has me.  He caught me.  I tried to move my arms and my legs, but I couldn't lift them.  I was tied down.  A whimper escapes my lips as the realization hits me.  Jason has me and no one knows where I am.  I left to go running without telling anyone.  I slipped past my guards.  I was angry and hurt, and I just left. How could I be so stupid, so reckless with my life?

***Mature Content-Graphic Violence and Sexual Nature***

   A hand reaches behind my head and thick dark fabric is removed from eyes.  "Hello, Carolyn.  I want to see the look of terror in your eyes while we get reacquainted."  Jason looks deep into my eyes with a sadistic smirk on his lips.   "So, where is that boyfriend of your's now? Hmmm...let me see."  He looks at me with cruel eyes as he speaks his next words. "That's right, he if fucking that little slut, Miranda."  I tried my best to just glare at him, to not show that his words and actions hurt me.  I know he wants my screams, he relished in them last time.  I refuse to give them to him this time. A lone, traitorous tear slips from my eye as he continues to torture me with his vengeful words.  "Miranda is a fantastic fuck.  I can see why Liam would go back to such a tasty treat.  When I am done with you, I'm going to fuck her again too."

    I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from yelling out even though my heart is breaking. Liam is only with her to try to find Jason, but that's no use now.  Jason has me and nobody knows that I am gone.  Miranda is feeling the pleasure and passion that Liam should be giving to me while I am here, with Jason.  She gets pleasure and I get pain.  As if sensing where my thoughts were, Jason continues his mental torture, "Do you think he has made her cum yet? What do think made her cum first, his cock or his tongue?  I bet he fills her pussy up with his cum and savors watching it drip from inside of her."  Jason looks at me and I know that he can see the pain burning in my eyes.  He laughed at my pain, then his eyes lit with excitement and he clapped his hands together.

   "Now the real fun is going to begin."  Jason got up and walked across the room.  This is the first time that I take a look at my surroundings.  I am in a hotel room.  It is eerily familiar.  As I took around the room, recognition hits me.  This is the room from my nightmare.  The nightmare where I am tortured by Jason.  A scream builds in my throat, but I some how manage to keep silent.  My however starts to shake with fear. 

Jason returns to the bed side and I see the glint of silver in his hands. "Do you remember my friend here?  I think it is time that we all become reacquainted, don't you?"  The tears were now freely falling down my checks.  "Baby, you have know idea what seeing your tears does to me.  It is euphoria all on it's own.  Don't worry, I'll make them last as long as possible."  He took the flat edge of the blade and stroked my cheek with it.  I cold crawling shiver ran down the length of my spine, making me arch my back slightly, the recoil away the best I could being bound.

   "The first thing that I am going to do, is remind who you belong too.  You are mine and should have never been touched by another."  A sharp pain is felt across the side of my face as Jason backhands me with incredible force.  My mouth fills with the metallic taste of my blood.  "First, I am going to erase him from your mind, then from your body."  He punctuated his words with two more backhands across my face.  Jason leaned down and he licked around my lips.  "I fucking love the taste of your blood, baby,"  he groaned and adjusted himself.

   Jason then took the knife to the bottom of my tank top and with a swift flick of his wrist, my shirt was split up the middle.  He then quickly went to the straps of tank and slit them too.  With his free hand, he grabbed the fabric of my shirt and tossed it to the side.  "Fuck, I love your body." His gaze filled with lust and awe.  Then as if flicking a switch, his eyes filled with rage.  "Your body was fucking mine, Carolyn. MINE! And you gave it to that fucker, that NOBODY."  The terror coursing through my veins multiplied as he began to lose his composure.  I slowed my breaths in an attempt to call my nerves.  My only hope was to stay calm and not provoke the beast, so to speak.  Stay calm and hope that somebody realized that I am gone and rescues me before this sick fuck is done.  

   "When I am done with you, the whole FUCKING world will know who you belong to, who owned this body."  Jason made quick work with slicing away my pants.  My eyes squeezed shut as I was now exposed to him in just my sports bra and boy shorts.  "OPEN YOUR EYES! NOW!" Jason bellowed.  My eyes snapped open to his.  My whole body shook violently due to the cold air and the chill of terror.  I clinched my jaw tight to stop my teeth from chattering.  "Look at your body, Carolyn." Jason said in an eerily calm voice.  "I am going to mark it as mine now. Forever, you will be branded as mine."  Jason slowly took the knife and pressed it against the soft flesh of my stomach.


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