Chapter Twenty-Three (Unedited)

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"Okay, baby. We're listening." Liam places a soft kiss on my forehead, sending warmth through my body pooling between my legs. I wiggle and curse myself for the effect that he has on my body. I can feel Liam's chest vibrate against my back, showing me that he knows exactly what he does to me. I rotate my hips just a little against him, causing a soft groan to escape his throat. I turned to look at him, giving him a victory wink, then turned quickly back around. "Careful, baby. Don't start anything that you can't finish, right now.", He breathes in my ear, giving me chills of pleasure and building my desire.

"Ahem." A throat is cleared in the room, reminding us that we are not alone. Tanner, the video surveillance guy chuckled to himself and shook his head. "I would love to here this idea and see if I can help out in any way. This guys is like a brother to me and I promise to help keep you safe."

"Floors yours babe." Liam gave me a reassuring look. I paused, looking at both of them then let my ideas flow.

"Okay, Liam you might not like all of my idea, but just let me get it out. We can debate and tweak it later. Promise you will listen."

"I don't like this already, Anne." His brilliant green eyes already trying to penetrate my resolve.

"Liam, promise. You are not agreeing to it, just promising to listen." I place my hands on my hips and give him my best glare possible.

"God, you are so fucking cute when you do that." I tilted my head at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "Fine, I promise." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, but a promise is a promise and that is good enough for me! I smiled up at him, rejoicing in my small victory.

"Okay, now that that is settled. I want to be bait."

"FUCK NO!" I quickly placed my finger against his mouth, silencing him.

"You promised to listen." I gave him a pointed look and he mumbled something under his breath, something about stubborn.

"I want to be out more where Jason can take more pictures of me." I put my hand up, effectively silencing Liam before he could speak. "Hear me out. We can't track Jason, but we can track when and where I was based on the pictures." I paused pulling out my phone and showing them the pic sent to me by Jason. "This picture right here, the one of us running." Liam nods his head. "This was taken four days ago. I know this because Jenna and I run every other day. We are running today, so this could have been either two days ago or four days ago. But if I look closer at the picture, I can see that I am wearing the bracelet that Izzy gave to me. That was four days ago. If we keep track of what I am wear and where I am going at what times, maybe we can look at surveillance cameras in the area around where the picture was taken at and the times that the pictures were taken. Maybe we can catch him on one of them and figure out wear he is at. The problem is that we never know where he is at. It's like in one of my Problem-solving classes at the University, work the problem backwards. We can backwards track him with where he was to figure out where he is going."

Liam just looks at me with a strange expression on his face, then breaks into a humongous smile. "Baby, you are so fucking brilliant!!" I am engolfed in a crushing hug. "This could work. What do you think Tanner?"

"I think it could. Let me get some strings pulled and I can get you hacked into the surveillance systems throughout the city right from here. That way you are wasting time going around the city and possibly tipping the bastard off."

Liam pulls his phone and makes a quick call. "Hey, get your ass over here. My sexy as fuck girlfriend has idea to catch this fucker...yeah...okay...see you in five." Liam put the phone back in his pocket and pulls me in for a knee weakening kiss. He soft warm lips suck my bottom lip into his mouth, grazing his tongue across it, sending tingles throughout my body. His hand fists my hair causing me to gasp. Liam takes advantage of my sudden breath, sliding his tongue into my mouth, tickling the roof of my mouth. I press my body further into his as his hand snakes around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him.

"Jesus, Liam. Make babies on your own time. We have a bastard to catch.", Mike's voice booms over us and jolts up back to reality. I seriously can get lost in his touch and kiss. Liam chuckles, placing one last soft kiss upon my lips and pulls away.

"Mike, can you really blame me?" I gape at Liam and grants me one of his panty melting winks.

"No, no I cannot, my friend." Mike's comment turns my cheeks an even deeper shade of scarlet. "Okay, little lady, what's this plan your man was raving about." I take some time to explain my plan. I can see the gears in Mike's mind processing and scheming, his eyes widening when something really catches his attention. When I am finished, Mike is standing there with a shit eating grin and claps his hands together and rubs. "Love it!...Well except for the bait part. That will never happen." I open my mouth to interject, but I am cut off quickly by Liam.

"Princess, what you are describing is not a bait situation. You will be in public places, with one of use or your guards, we will just be tracking your where-abouts and clothes more closely." I let his words sink in and nod by head in agreement. "Tanner, why don't you go and get a head start on the cameras. Mike, Anne, lets get a plan in place and get started!"

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