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Jaejoong had a 10-day vacation from work, and the days passed very fast when you were having fun. Soon it was time for TVXQ to head back to Japan for their tour and promotion activities.

With Max bugging him, Jaejoong made sure he made full use of everyday he had to be with his wife. Even though he didn't exactly want another child so fast, he wanted to spend more time with his wife, before he had to go back abroad and spend his days and nights alone... He knew he was going to miss hugging his wife to sleep when he was away... And it would be a couple of months before he'll be able to see her again...

Kim had offered to pack Jaejoong's luggage while he played with the kids. He was going to leave very early the next morning, and he wanted to spend more time with them. They were playing police and thief, and Jaejoong was the thief who was being chased after by the two "police", which were Miki and Hugo. They were running all round the house chasing after Jaejoong, who obviously had longer legs and could run faster.

Hugo: You're not going to get away from us, you thief!!! Nuna and I will catch you and bring you to justice!!!

Miki: Ne... There's no where to hide!!!

Hugo pretended to fire a shot from his toy gun.

Hugo: BANG BANG!!!

Jaejoong: AHHHH!!! I'm shot... Hugo's shot me.... AHHH AHHH AHHH.... I'm dying...

Jaejoong pretended to fall down onto the floor and play dead. Hugo and Miki hopped with joy and high-fived each other and ran towards Jaejoong to check on their captive. Jaejoong still had his eyes closed. They gathered around him and poked him. But he didn't move at all.

Miki: Oh no... He's dead...

Jaejoong: BOO!!!!

Jaejoong suddenly sprang up to life and grabbed Miki and Hugo into his arms, hugging them tightly. They were shocked but they screamed and then started laughing when Jaejoong started tickling them.

Loud laughter and high-pitched shrieks can be heard throughout the house.

Kim: Gosh these kids are making so much noise... It's already so late... Time for them to go to bed...

Kim walked out of their bedroom and took a peep at the living room where the screams were coming from.

Miki: MUMMY!!!!

Jaejoong stopped tickling them when Miki called Kim. And then he started whispering into Miki and Hugo's ears, which made them giggle cheekily.

Kim walked towards them unsuspectingly.

Kim: What I see you guys are really having a lot of fun aren't you?

Jaejoong: NOW KIDS!!!

Miki and Hugo jumped up from Jaejoong's lap and dashed towards Kim. She was shocked at what was happening. They dashed towards her and grabbed her.

Kim: What are you kids doing?!!!

Then they started tickling Kim.


Jaejoong smiled and came over and joined in the tickling. Soon Kim was tearing from laughing. She was very scared of tickling, and with all three of them tickling her, especially her kids' small hands, made it even worst...

Jaejoong: Ha ha ha ha... Okay kids... Let's let Mummy off for now... It's late already... You guys need to go to bed... Let's go to the bathroom and take a bath first before you sleep okay?

Forever Love [Mature]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن