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After the show, Jaejoong and Kim left for the hotel. Kim drove them all the way back to Sentosa. Kim wasn't very sure of the route, but with Jaejoong around, she felt more confident of herself. Anyway, they went back to the hotel, safe and sound. And Kim REALLY wanted to try on the dress for Jaejoong. So she pulled his free hand, his other hand was carrying all the shopping bags of stuff that they had bought, and dragged him quickly to their room.

Of course Kim's hands were also full of some shopping bags, but Jaejoong didn't allow her to take too many of them, he had wanted to take them all, but Kim didn't let him. It just doesn't seem right, since he was already carrying so much stuff, and her hands were free anyway. She wasn't like those girls that wanted their boyfriends to help them carry even their small dainty handbags. Kim thought it looked ridiculous when the girls ask their masculine boyfriends to carry such feminine stuff, so degrading for the guys. Kim didn't like Jaejoong to help her carry her own stuff, except when she was too overloaded with them, and she couldn't manage by herself.

Finally they reached the room; he opened the door as Kim stood there jumping a bit from the excitement. When the door was opened however, Kim didn't rush in, cos she was afraid of the dark, so he went in first to on the lights before she went in.

Kim pulled him to the side of the bed excitedly, took all the bags from his hands, placed the dress beside him on the bed.

Kim: Unzip me Jaejoong...

And Kim directed Jaejoong's hands to unzip the dress on her. He unzipped her slowly, and Kim could hear the sound of the zip going down, as a gush of cold air entered the opening. At this point in time, Jaejoong stood up, placed his hands on Kim's shoulders, and slid the shoulder straps off her shoulders. The dress dropped down onto the floor and Kim was only in her undies. Kim turned around and unhooked her bra, dropping it on the floor also. Then Jaejoong reached for the dress and placed it over Kim's head, and watched it slowly flow down to cover her body. He turned her around and zipped her up again, before turning Kim around to have a good look at the whole outcome.

Kim saw a sparkle in Jaejoong's eyes as they moved down her body; the dress really enhanced her curves. Curious about how she looked, Kim moved towards the full-length mirror in the cupboard. Kim took a look in the mirror, turning around a bit to have a good view. Then Jaejoong also walked over, and placed his arms around her waist.

Jaejoong: You look great in this baby, I didn't make a wrong choice in getting it for you.

Kim turned her head around to glance at Jaejoong; his head was on her right shoulder. They were looking directly into each other's eyes, and Kim could feel a tingle flow through her, she smiled, and planted a kiss on his strawberry lips.

Kim: Thanks honey, but I still think you shouldn't have spent so much on me. It's been hard on you, having to work so hard for the money that you're getting...I don't think it's worth it...

Kim looked away and down at the floor. Jaejoong turned her around so that he could see her full frontal view, and tilted her chin up with his fingers. He brushed the fallen bits of hair away from her eyes.

Jaejoong: I think it's worth it. Definitely. No amount of money can ever replace the worth of you in my heart. I don't mind the hard work at all as long as you're happy. It's all that matters. You hear that?

Jaejoong glazed intensely into Kim's eyes. Those hazel jewels just melted her heart. Kim could never do anything to hurt this man. He owns her heart. He owns her soul. He owns her body. So basically, Kim WOULD wear ANYTHING he buys for her. They will ALWAYS be the BEST for her. Anyway, she dressed up for his sake most of the time, so it's all right for him to do some of the "selection" for her sometimes.

Forever Love [Mature]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن