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Months later after the registration...

Kim was now pregnant with their first child. And she was due for the first ultra-sound scan today. Being overseas on tour, Jaejoong wasn't exactly able to accompany Kim to her appointment, but she called him when she was having the session and let him listen to the sound of their child's heartbeat. Actually strictly speaking, it should be their children. Cos Kim having twins! And apparently they were a girl and a boy. This would mean a lot to the Chinese, and it certainly meant a lot to Kim! She was gonna have two babies at one go! Jaejoong also seemed rather shocked by the news, but he was really very sweet.

Jaejoong: Oh dear, twins, isn't that gonna be quite hard on you? Are you feeling OK, getting enough rest and nutrition? You can call me anytime if you need anything. Just let me know OK? I'm so sorry I can't be there with you now... Can't be there to take care of you ... and our babies...

Kim: It's OK honey. I'm a rather strong girl remember? I'm sure my body can take the two babies fine. They aren't taking the toll on me...yet...hee hee...don't be too hard on yourself OK? I'll be fine over here, I have my mum to cook nutritious and delicious foods for me to eat remember? It's you I'm worried about... are you having proper meals? At the right times? You are looking so thin nowadays on the programmes. Don't tire yourself out too much. Rest well. And don't go partying too much with the guys after the gigs OK? Drinking's bad for your health.

Jaejoong: Hee.. You're the pregnant one now. Not me. So don't fuss so much about me. It's YOU that matters now. AND the BABIES of cos! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Months later... In January...

Kim was flying over to see Jaejoong and the guys in Japan. Jaejoong's birthday was coming up soon in this month, and Kim close to her due date, which is about a few weeks away, but the doctor sad that it was OK for her to travel there. SO she did. Anyway Kim REALLY missed Jaejoong. Haven't seen him for a long time already. Kim missed Jaejoong placing his head against her tummy to listen to the babies, and talking to her tummy to the babies, as if they understand or can hear him. The flight was rather smooth sailing, and there wasn't any trouble from the 2 inside Kim, apart from the sudden kicks. The very special part about Japan airports is that the people picking the passengers up or sending them off can enter the arrival and departure gates, and not part until the final gate, which leads onto the respective planes.

Since this was the case, Jaejoong was already waiting for Kim at the gate when she came out. He came with the rest of the guys. When they saw Kim they hurried forward to help her with her hand-carry bags, and giving her welcome hugs and kisses. Jaejoong was the last one who hugged and kissed Kim. When their lips parted, they remained closely hugging each other and looking into each others eyes as their foreheads touched. Jaejoong couldn't really hug Kim too tightly as her tummy was already quite big and it protruded out, obstructing him from tighter embraces.

Jaejoong: Missed you baby. How are my 3 babies?

Jaejoong rubbed his hand over Kim's tummy.

Kim: We're all doing fine. But I think I could do some help with the two down there. They keep kicking my tummy, and giving me a hard time. Maybe you can try to talk some sense into them for me? Tell they to behave or something?

Jaejoong squatted down until his head was level with Kim'sprotruding tummy.

Jaejoong: Hey you two better behave in there, or I'll spank you when you come out! How dare you bully your Mummy!

And Jaejoong pretended to do a fierce spanking face and action. When Kim saw Jaejoong's face, Kim started giggling a bit, and she felt a sharp pain in her tummy. One of them apparently didn't agree with Jaejoong and were "protesting"!

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