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Christmas day dinner with in-laws...

Jaejoong: Mum, dad... You're going to be grandparents again soon...

Kim didn't expect Jaejoong to announce the news to her in-laws at this time, and she looked up from feeding the kids at him. Jaejoong smiled at Kim, and his parents looked at Kim with joy.

Jaejoong's Dad: Oh my... Joongie... It's such good news!!! What a great Christmas gift for the two of us... Your sisters will be so happy for you...

He grabbed hold of his wife's hand and smiled at her happily.

Jaejoong's Mum: Yeh... Joongie... You'd better take good care of Kim during this time... She's slimmed down a lot since the last time we saw her...

She turned to Kim.

Jaejoong's Mum: You'd better eat more my dear... You're eating for two now...

Kim smiled at her mother-in-law, as she loaded Kim's plate with more food.

Kim: Thanks mum... I'll take note to eat more from now on...

Jaejoong reached over and grabbed hold of Kim's hand, and smiled at Kim.

Hugo: Mummy... mummy... why are you eating for two now???

Kim turned her attention back to her two kids.

Kim: Cos Mummy is having another baby in my tummy... So whatever Mummy eats, the baby eats too... So Mummy has to eat more so that the baby has enough to eat...

Hugo: Oh....

Hugo did a "light bulb lighting up in his head" face, with his mouth opened wide into an "O" shape. Kim reached over and fondled his face. Jaejoong stood up and walked over to his kids.

Jaejoong: So Miki and Hugo... You guys are going to have a baby brother or sister when Mummy's birthday comes... Are you happy?

Miki & Hugo: YES!!!!

Jaejoong: So do you want a brother or sister?

Miki: I want a baby sister to play with my dolls with me...

Hugo: I want a baby brother to play basketball with me...

Everyone was shocked by their prompt answers. Kim was a bit taken aback, as she didn't expect them to have thought so much about this before. Jaejoong was the only one who took their responses normally.

Jaejoong: But Mummy is only having one baby now... So no matter if it's a baby sister or brother this time, you must love her or him as much as you love Mummy and Daddy... Okay?

Miki & Hugo: OKAY, DADDY!!!

Kim smiled at the kids' response.

Jaejoong: Mummy and Daddy can always have another baby so that both of you can have a baby sister and brother to play with you...

Miki & Hugo: YEAH!!!!!

Kim looked at Jaejoong in surprise. He was laughing along with the kids and looked at Kim lovingly. He leaned over and gave her a peck on her cheeks.

Jaejoong's Dad: Joongie, you shouldn't be telling the kids these things... And you're scaring Kim... How many are you going to have if you don't get what they want?

Jaejoong's Mum: Yeah... Remember that you have 8 elder sisters?

Kim grimaced at that comment from her in-laws. She looked down at her tummy.

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