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For the next few days, Jaejoong and Kim spent the afternoons making wondrous love to each other before the kids came home from kindergarten. They had to make up for lost time before he had to leave again for work overseas. Each wanted to make the other feel as loved as possible, before they had to part again. Even though it was unspoken, Jaejoong knew that Kim craved for him to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her everyday, watching their kids grow, changing diapers, preparing meals for them, feeding them, bathing them... There was so much that he wanted to do for them.

But he had little time each time he returned...

So to him, every minute, every second counts...

One afternoon, Jaejoong was watching Kim peeling onions under a running tap.

Jaejoong: Do you want me to help you with anything?

Kim looked up at Jaejoong.

Kim: Maybe you could check on the soups for me, and give them a stir.

Jaejoong got off the bar stool at near the kitchen island and went over to the stove, which was next to the sink where Kim was. He takes a soup to taste the soups.

Jaejoong: The carrot soup tastes a bit bland. Needs a bit more salt.

Jaejoong soups another scoop and reaches over for Kim to take a taste.

Kim: Yeah... Go ahead and add some salt, it's in the cupboard above me.

Jaejoong reached up to take the salt from the cupboard. Kim sensed the closeness of his body just behind her. Just a glance at his arms, the soft hairs spattering down to his wrist, the delineation of muscle, shot desire through to her stomach. She could smell him and the pleasure of it flickered her eyes shut. Jaejoong brushed his hand fleetingly between her shoulder blades and then set about salting the carrot soup.

Jaejoong: Can you put the salt back for me?

Fingertips touched and electrical pulses charged.

Jaejoong: Here try it now...

Jaejoong soups another scoop and reaches over for Kim to take another taste. Eye contact. Adrenalin.

Kim: I need to get a bowl for these onions...

Kim reaches up to get a bowl from the cupboard above. Jaejoong watches as her stomach lengthen and tauten and when she brings her hands down, her breasts swell.

Jaejoong simmered down the stoves for the soups and gently moved Kim to one side, his hands on either side of her hips. She leant back lightly against his body and the proximity of his bulk sent a shiver of anticipatory pleasure through her. Suddenly Jaejoong forgot about everything else. It seemed his reason for being there, behind Kim, was expressly to have his hands on her hips, his lips at the ultra-sensitive kiss of skin behind her ear. She pressed back against his chest and turned her cheek quickly; his lips leaving her neck and travelling over her jaw line to her mouth, her lips parted and her tongue tip was eager to dance with his. Behind her, rocking against her, her neck twisted round to reach his face, Jaejoong gorged on her mouth. Something clanged down to the floor but they only half heard it. Kim whipped herself around so that she was facing him, her arms now thrown around his neck, her fingers enmeshed in his hair, urging his face against hers. He had a hand in the small of her back, his other clasping her right buttock. He pressed against her and she pulled herself up at him. The seam of her shorts was catching the swell of her sex and she parted her legs to find Jaejoong's thigh for further friction. He backed her up against the fridge, his leg wedged between both of hers, his hands now in her hair, over her breasts, pulling and grabbing; the smattering of his evening bristles rasping against her cheeks, her chin, her neck.

Jaejoong pulled his T-shirt over his head, undid his belt and ripped down his trousers to his knees. At the same time, Kim wriggled from her T-shirt and Jaejoong pulled her bra straps down over her arms, not bothering with the clasp, not minding that it remained on, just as long as her tits were exposed for him to feel, to see and to suck. Kim's hand worked energetically over and under his g-string, at last liberating his straining, leaping cock. They crumpled themselves down onto the marble floor, romping and humping and snogging and sucking. Jaejoong tugged Kim's shorts down, freeing her right leg. He moved her panties to one side and took his mouth down to her. He could have spent hours feasting on her juice but tasting the rush of her moistness gave an urgency to the moment. With his trousers around his ankles, eyes closed, breathing fast and audible, Jaejoong thrust into Kim and she ground against him. They humped and bucked and grunted and fucked, coming simultaneously; eyes scrunched shut, voices loud, faces racked into near-grimaces with the intensity of it all while their bodies spurted and sponged. And then they rolled apart, lay on the cold marble floor, sticky and slippery and sweaty and satisfied, unable to speak while they let their heartbeats settle down.

Jaejoong: Oh my god... Don't move...

Jaejoong exclaimed on rolling towards Kim, his eyes slightly bloodshot. Just a few centimetres to the right of her face, a knife lay glinting.

Kim: Gosh...

Kim agreed, her face flushed, a rash to one corner of her mouth. She reached her hand over to Jaejoong's face and gently flicked chopped parsley from his hair.

They laughed and Jaejoong got up, pulling Kim up with him.

Jaejoong: Let's go grab a shower, we're a mess...

Kim: Yes... So is the kitchen... You go ahead first... I'll clean up the mess here first before the kids get back... And Jules needs a bath already... Could you help me with it while you're at it?

Kim started grabbing her clothes and putting them back on.

Jaejoong: I'll get the bath ready first... I'll wait for you to join the two of us...

Jaejoong jumped up and gathered his clothes in his arms.

Kim: You go give Jules and yourself a bath first... I'm not going anywhere near you before you get all that... *giggle* all that parsley out of your hair... *giggle giggle*

Kim giggled looking at the parsley stuck in Jaejoong's hair. Jaejoong looked up at his hair and gave it a tousle. Then he walked towards Kim.

Jaejoong: Honey, you're not going anywhere... when you're done here... except right into my arms...

Jaejoong pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss.


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Her Royal Randomness


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