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*Ding dong*

Kim pressed the door bell to her mum's house and started opening the door with her set of keys.

Jaejoong found it funny that his wife would press the bell, when she had her own set of keys to the house.

Jaejoong: Honey, why do you press the doorbell when you already have a set of keys?

Kim looked back at him happily and smiled.

Kim: You'll see...

Once the door was opened, Jaejoong could already see his two toddlers Miki and Hugo running towards the door to welcome them. They ran right past Kim and dashed into Jaejoong's arms, as he had bent down to meet their height.

Miki and Hugo: DADDY!!!!!

The duo were so busy fussing over Jaejoong, and Jaejoong busy listening to the two of them talking to him at the same time, that they didn't even notice Kim observing them and grinning bemused at the sight of them.

Jaejoong looked up at his wife and gave a understanding grin. Kim then left the trio to catch up and went to check on Jules.

Kim's mum greeted her as she walked towards her old room, where the kids were staying overnight in.

Kim: Good morning Mum... How were the kids? Behaving themselves?

Kim's Mum: Yes they were very sweet to me... And Jules was very good, he slept right through the night and didn't cry at all.

Kim: Oh that's good to hear... I hope they didn't cause too much of a trouble for you... I know they can be a handful sometimes if they wanted to...

They started walking into Kim's old room. Jules was already awake and kicking and moving about in the crib. He must have heard his siblings shouting. Kim stood beside the crib and smiled at Jules.

Kim: Morning sweetheart... How are you? Mummy's here to bring you home... Have you been a good boy to Granny?

She reached down to fondle his cheek. Jules smiled at her when she did that, kicking around even more excitedly. Kim smiled when she saw that and looked over at her mum, who also turned and smiled at her.

Kim's Mum: I think he missed your voice, so he's very excited to hear and see you here... You'd better get a move on, otherwise Miki and Hugo will be late. I've already packed their stuff for you and it's all in the living room, and they've already had their breakfast, so you just need to grab them and go. But you need to feed Jules in 2 hours' time. That's all.

Kim: Thanks Mum. I'll take note of that. I'll carry Jules out of the crib first.

Kim leaned down and took Jules into her arms, and brought him into her embrace. Once she had him comfortably in her arms, she walked out of the room towards the living room. Jaejoong and the kids were still chatting animatedly.

Kim: Hey kiddos, we've gotta leave now for school. Will you say goodbye to Grandma first?

Miki and Hugo looked over at Kim when they heard her, and rushed over to Kim's mum and gave her a hug and kiss.

Miki and Hugo: Bye Grandma...

Kim walked over to Jaejoong at the door. Jaejoong gave Jules a kiss on his forehead and gave him his finger to play with.

Kim: Honey, can you grab their bags for me? Mum's packed them already, and they're over there at the table.

Jaejoong nodded and went over to grab his kids' belongings, before walking over to Kim's mum.

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