That's My Seat {Luke}

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smut by : dibsonmikeybitch

smut by : dibsonmikeybitch

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I let out a loud sigh as I pushed through the doors of the library. My bag felt heavy on my shoulder and I clutched the strap tightly as I made my way towards my usual seat. There was nothing worse than having study hall in the library. The librarian always set the strictest rules and nearly everyone dreaded getting scheduled study hall for this hour.

Once my normal table came into view I noticed a group of freshman had sat there. I was pretty sure they weren't in study hall, and If I wasn't so stressed out I'd probably have raised hell. I lazily shuffled over to an empty table, sitting my backpack on the table with a loud thud and nearly collapsing into the chair.

I pulled out my chemistry notes, highlighters, and homework assignment, arranging them as I liked in front of me. I didn't hesitate to begin working. Study hall was one of the only times that I had to focus on my school work. Working several jobs to save up for college had really been taking it's toll on me, but it had to be done.

"You're in my seat," I heard a deep accented voice to my left, and I idly lifted my head from the paper. I recognized the boy immediately, his name was Luke Hemmings and he was a year ahead of me. The way that girls talked about him disgusted me because I just didn't see his appeal, especially that lip ring.

"I'm sorry, but my seat was taken so I sat here." I let my eyes drift over to my homework, not expecting anything further from the blond boy.

"Move," was all he said, and this time when I turned to look up at him I didn't look as amiable. He smirked at my less than pleasant expression, which made me even angrier. Who did this guy think he is? I thought angrily.

"I've already spread my things about, I don't want to collect them all and then have to unpack them again. It is an inefficient use of my time," For a second I refocused back on my paper before looking back up at Luke, "Actually this whole conversation is using time that I need to be studying, so if you don't mind leaving, then that'd be great."

"There are a lot of empty seats in here and you can sit at any one of them," he was beginning to look frustrated and I rolled my eyes at how desperate he was to get some stupid seat. If I hadn't already situated myself I wouldn't have cared about moving, but he was just trying to waste my time.

"Exactly, so why don't you go find your own," I tried to concentrate on balancing my chemical equation, but Luke wouldn't stop talking, and I was starting to feel more than just annoyed.

"I have, and you're in it. So, move." The pencil I had been using was snatched from my hand and held high above his head. A taunting grin was plastered to his face, and my blood began to boil. I thought about standing up and trying to reach the pencil, but the boy was nearly a foot taller than me and I didn't have even the slimmest of chances to retrieve it.

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