She's Mine {Cake}

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“Damn it, Calum!” I screamed, stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut. My veins were pulsing with alcohol as I stumbled away, nearly falling over as I did so. I held my hands out, trying to steady myself, and kept walking.

The sun had set a few hours ago and the temperature had fallen with it, but I wasn’t about to get back in the car with my boyfriend just because it was a bit chillt. I had too much pride for that so I held my chin up, not even caring to look back.

The music from the party could still be heard even from a block away, and my body swayed in timing. My mind lazily went back to everything that I had seen: my boyfriend’s tongue down some other bitch’s throat. Fuck, I thought feeling sick at the thought. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“(Y/N), get back in the car,” Calum said calmly but firmly as he drove up beside me. The passenger side window was rolled clear down as he spoke. He ran a disgruntled hand through his hair, tugging a bit at the crown of his head.  "Look, I said I’m sorry.“

"Sorry?” I turned sharply on my heel, narrowing my eyes as I glared at him. If I could out run a car then I would have started sprinting, but I knew that would only cause me to look more foolish. Than I already did. “You’re sorry?” my voice was incredulous because I couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.

“Yes, that’s what I said. Sorry.” He rolled his eyes at me, and I wished I was closer to him just for the purpose of slapping him across the face. I hated that smirk he always wore, especially when he though he was going to get his way.

“Well you didn’t look that sorry while you were kissing her,” I spat.

“Look, she didn’t mean anything. She came on to me, I swear.” To my ears he sounded the farthest thing from repentent and it was in that moment that I knew I was going to make him regret it.

“Leave me alone,” I yelled just as a plan popped into my head. I stopped in my tracks, letting Calum drive passed me. I started back the way we came, moving as quickly as I could without falling over or throwing up. We were only four or five houses down from Luke’s and if I ran I could get there in about thirty seconds. I bet my lip, contemplating whether or not I actually want to run. I stole a glance behind me and saw that Calum was already turning around in a driveway.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he stopped the car and hollered at me as I began to sprint down the road. I focused on my feet, making sure I didn’t trip as my fert pounded the pavement one after the other. There were cars lined all along the road because Luke was throwing a party tonight, and I tipped my fingers along the smooth metal, trying to keep my balance.

“To find someone who actually appreciates me.” I mumbled to myself so Calum couldn’t hear. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I was being ridiculous, and if I hadn’t done eight shots of vodka then I never would have even considered doing what I was about to do.

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