Chapter 3: The Man Next to the Red Shoes

Start from the beginning

But that, right now, was the least of my worries. What if I got pregnant?

Brenann’s P.O.V.

I parked the car and without saying anything stormed up the stairs into my room.

I grabbed my desk chair and threw it out of the window. I growled. I yelled and cried.

A short image, an image through Anna’s eyes had popped up into my head. I could see a man lying on top of her, as naked as she was. He was making love to her but her eyes were filled with tears.

“Brennan calm down!” I could hear Lauren scream, she didn’t know what was going on.

“Get out!” I yelled at her with fury. When she didn’t move I walked towards her and pushed her out of the room, slamming the door shut.

The image came back, same as before, this time it wasn’t from our mate connection, this time it was a memory. The horrible memory of seeing my mate have sex with someone other than me. but the worst thing of all was that she seemed to dislike it herself.

I clenched my hand into a fist, my knuckles turning white. I exclaimed loud angry noises that were neither man nor wolf, they were pure agony and fury. I slammed my fists into the wall trying to knock it down, hoping it would help me calm down.

The door opened, or was taken down was more like it. My beta Harrison ran towards me and grabbed me arms but I broke loose.

“Brenann! Calm down.” He yelled at me while trying to grab my arms again, my own blood seeping of them and dripping on the floor as I swung them around to break free. A few others came in and helped Harrison, they grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back, I leaned forward and felt myself shaking, I was about to change of anger. I screamed again as the image appeared once more.

“Brennan calm down this is not you calm down!” I heard Harrison yell.

I struggled for a long time but tired out after a while, hot tears of anger and agony streaming down my face, my jaw clenched, dried up blood on my arms and the floor. My whole room had been destroyed. I let myself fall limb into my packs strong arms.

What had I done?

Anna’s P.O.V.

I cried silent tears when Geoffrey had already fallen asleep. I had wanted to take a shower, clean myself from him, and wash of all the sweat and semen that were on my body.

To make the pain go away I thought of this afternoon, the laughter the friendship the easy going conversations and the gentle looks and gestures. The memory felt like a dream until it really became one and I fell asleep.


The next morning I awoke, still lying in Geoffrey’s arms, he was awake and looked at me.

“Good morning sweetheart.” He said as he kissed me. “If after last night you’re not pregnant I don’t know what I have to do.” He said and got up to take a shower and make breakfast. Leaving me, naked and dirty in the bed with many worrying thoughts.

Should I get the morning after pill? Should I secretly start taking anti conception? But Geoffrey probably had his man on the lookout at pharmacies. The only thing to do now was hope I wasn’t pregnant and buy many, many, pregnancy tests.

I found myself in desperate need to tell someone about my problems, a first in my existence. I had never depended on another soul apart from my father, but as he was not in London, I couldn’t talk to him properly.

“Lauren.” I spoke her name softly; she was the only person I knew I would be willing to talk to.

With sudden enthusiasm I got out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, Geoffrey was still drying himself off but I didn’t care, I wanted a quick shower before getting out. I showered at super human speed and got dressed and ate breakfast in the same fashion. I got out of the house with a short goodbye to Geoffrey and took the subway to the ballet school. I checked her coat hanger, number 134 but it was empty. I sat down on the steps in front of the school and awaited her arrival.

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