Chapter 2: The Child In Red Shoes

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Chapter 2: The Child In Red Shoes

Brenann’s P.O.V.

I glanced at her through the rearview mirror, just to see what she was doing, Lauren noticed what I was doing and punched me in the side, I glared at her but she smiled with a pleased look in her eyes. I resisted the urge to glare at her and kept my eyes firmly on the road.

As we drove it became harder and harder to control myself, because with my mate in the back seat, I wanted to do nothing more than sit next to her and hold her, kiss her, talk to her, make her smile. The thoughts were so distracting I could hardly concentrate on driving, which was my number one priority, I had to keep my mate save.

I was glad when we arrived at the nearest MacDonald’s, I parked the car as close to the entrance as I could and helped Anna out of the car, she gladly took my arm as she was to small to be able to get out of the car herself, if I hadn’t know she was an adult, I’d have guessed her to be a 12 year old child, the only thing about her giving her age away was her face, it looked dignified, to old for her mind and body. She was also very muscled but in a pretty way. I smiled at her and she did the same before turning her eyes towards the most famous fast food restaurant. Her eyes shone with excitement.

“Why haven’t you ever been here before?” Lauren asked her bluntly, she had always had the talent for making people talk, I always thought carefully about my words, making my conversations more suited for deep thought discussions then small talk.

“Ballet diet, my mom thought I would get to fat, but I’m sure only once won’t hurt.” She said in a soft sweet voice.

“I eat here quite often and I’m still a dancer so you should be fine!” Lauren laughed while she grabbed Anna’s arm and pulled her into the restaurant. I admired her talent for getting information out of people without making it look like a job interview. I followed them inside and we took a seat. Anna looked around with confusion and surprise.

“This is not what I thought it would look like.” She told me while looking at me with a questioning look.

“What did you think it would look like then?’ I asked her with slight amusement, I found this unknowing slightly childish side of her wonderful.

“My mother always made it sound like a greasy hell, full of poor people who had nothing better to do, this actually seems like a fun place, though I can’t say she was wrong about the grease.” She said and chuckled, a strange sound, I would have expected her to giggle more than chuckle. I laughed as well and Lauren joined in soon after.

“So what would you like?” I asked.

“Where is the menu?” She asked. I chuckled.

“It’s on the wall next to you and above the counter.” I told her.

“Really? How strange, why is that?” She asked.

“This is a fast food restaurant, they don’t have waiters, look at the counters, the people who take your order are there and they tell the kitchen staff what you want and they will prepare the drinks and such while waiting for the food. You get your food when you order.” I explained and she listened so intently Lauren laughed.

“You really should get out more!” She said through her laughter and Anna blushed slightly.

“I Know but Geoffrey doesn’t find places like this suited for me, he’d rather order in from a restaurant and eat at home, he doesn’t like crowded places.” She said. I felt anger running through my veins, hearing her mention her husband made me feel like I didn’t matter which, of course, was true. I was nothing more than the brother of a fellow dancer.

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