What Next?

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Hello, everyone!

I hope you enjoyed reading Side Stories! This truly was an enjoyable journey for me! I honestly had no plans on ending it, but due to personal reasons, it was best I ended it. Don't worry! Side Stories' replacement is already in the works! I'll get to that soon. But first, I think I should just talk for a bit.

I remember the day so vividly... It was a snow day, and I had just finished writing a chapter in my Christmas OTP Challange, and I thought to myself: "Man, I really wish I could write these one-shots on a regular basis!" So I did. I had so much fun writing them, and everyone had fun reading them! The realization that I had to end it was heartbreaking, and the fact that it came so soon shocks me beyond words! I'm normally a very fickle person, and I'm surprised I haven't gone back and said I was going to continue.

But I'm not.

I have kept to my word, and I'm proud of myself for doing so. Everything must end, and this is only the beginning! That brings me to the replacement!

For those of you who don't know, I did an OTP prompt challenge for the months of December and February for Christmas and Valentines Day. I will continue Side Stories' legacy with these. Every few months, I'm going to post monthly prompt one-shots. I'm going to do these in the months of May, August, October, and December. The first month is May. I will be doing every other day because I feel like it'll be a bit more easy to write and take a lot off my plate. My schedule is going to be a bit hectic for the next few weeks, so I need to take a bit more time.

The prompts for May are...

1st. Deceive Oneself
3rd. Garden
5th. Morgan's Birthday!
7th. Moonlight
9th. Good Company
11th. Some Day
13th. Falter
15th. Character
17th. Home
18th. Imagination
21st. Mysterious
23rd. Locked
25th. Impulse To Write
27th. Chrom's Birthday!
29th. Trust
31st. Listen To The Rain

I hope you're all excited to see all these prompts in action! I know I am! I hope you tune in the next few months so you can continue reading these one-shots!

I just want to say thank you again for reading, it means the world to me! Thank you! I could honestly go on for hours about how much your support means to me! So thank you! I'm sorry about ending this so abruptly, but it had to be done. If you have any questions relating to Side Stories, I'd be happy to answer them!

This is really it...

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for reading and your support!

Thank you!

<3 Anna

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