Horsing Around

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Sometime before chapter 6. Anna

I look around as my fiancé shows me around the royal stables. "Chrom, you really don't need to teach me how to ride! You already do so much for me!" I say.

Chrom laughs, and squeezes my hand "No, I want to! I think it'll be fun! Besides, I think it's about you have a horse of your own. All of the Shepherds have at least one horse that they ride once and awhile, even if they don't technically own them. But you should pick one out now, since you're going to be joining the royal family soon." He says.

I blush "R-right..."

Chrom smiles "Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable... I forgot that you feel that way whenever I mention what you're marrying into." He says.

I sigh, and squeeze his hand "N-no... I have to get used to it..." I mumble.

We walk a little longer, and Chrom stops at the stable of a black stallion with a white sock, "This is my horse, Albern. He was a gift to me on my fourteenth birthday when he was still a colt." He reaches out and strokes his nose, he smile at me "Go ahead, pet him." He says.

I reach out, and pet Albern. He whinnies, and nuzzles my arm "Awww, he likes me!" I say.

Chrom laughs "Indeed! That's odd though... Albern usually doesn't take to kindly to new people." He says.

I giggle "Well, I must be some kind of horse whisperer then! I help Sumia with the mounts sometimes, and they seem to like me!" I say.

Chrom chuckles, and gestures for me to follow him, which I do "I'll show you horses that have not been claimed yet. Follow me." He says.

We enter a new section of the stables, and another long line of horses are present. Chrom places his hand on my shoulder "Take a look around and see if  theirs any horse you like! Call me when you find something." He says.

I nod, and walk off. I look around at the many horses in front of me, most of the pay no mind to me, or are busy eating.

Then, one horse takes my attention.

A brown thoroughbred mare with a black mane sticks her head out of her stable, and looks at me. I walks over to her, and she stomps her foot and whinnies, clearly wanting attention. I laugh, and pet her "Hey there!" She stares at me with curious brown eyes. "Hey! Chrom! I think I found one!" I say.

He walks over to us, and pets the mare "Her? She's one of our new ones. You wanna try her out?" He asks.

I nod "Yup!" I chide.

Chrom smiles "Alright then."

Chrom shows me how to dress her, and he leads us to the training area. As we pass by the other horses, Albern nickers. Chrom chuckles, hands me the lead, and walks over to him "I'm sorry bud, I'll be back for you in a bit. I just need to break in a newbie!" He says, petting Albern.

I giggle, and Chrom comes back to us. He takes us outside, and into the training area. He shows me how to get on the horse, and tells me some basic stuff.

"Make sure your hands are on the reins at all times!"

"Keep your feet in the stirrups."

"Turn the reins  this way to make it go that way."

And so on.

Finally, Chrom takes the lead, and walks us around the area "You doing ok?" He asks after a few minutes.

I nod "Doing ok over here!" I say, truly fascinated by life on horseback.

Chrom smiles "Alright! Now, I'm gonna let you go, and see how you do on your own. Remember, if you want to transition into a trot, gently kick your horse, and making a clicking noise might help." He says, undoing the lead.

I nod, and do as Chrom said. We trot off, and I smile. I don't even realize how much time is passing, and I urge the horse to move faster. She moves into a cantor, and I laugh at we speed along. I look around for Chrom, but I don't see him. I frown. Where is he...

Just then, a familiar blue haired prince pulls up beside me, smiling. I laugh "Wanted to join the fun, didn't you?" I ask.

Chrom laughs "Haha! I said I would come back for him, and I am a man of my word!" He says.

I laugh, and we race around for a bit. An hour later, we undress the horses,, and put them in the paddock.

Chrom and I lean on the fence, and we smile at each other.

"Did you find your partner?" He asks.

I nod "Yep! She really seems to get me!" I say.

Chrom chuckles "Her it is then. Any ideas for a name?" He asks.

I think for a moment "Hmmmm... how about... Ladybug!" I say.

Chrom chuckles again "Ladybug? Quite an odd name for someone like you, but it's good!" He says.

I smile, and we watch our horses, who are currently running around with each other. They stop, and Ladybug nudges Albern's neck.

"Awwwwwww!!! It's a sign!!!!!" I exclaim.

Chrom laughs "Haha! Indeed! Even our horses are meant for each other!" He says.

I laugh, and lean onto his side "Yeah... they are..."


HORSES!!!!!! Yeah... I promised I would do something like this, and I did it! This chapter goes out to my old partner from horse camp, Ladybug. I'M CARRYING ON YOUR LEGACY GIRL!!!!! I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Take Flight: Lindsey Stirling

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