A Strange Type Of Comfort

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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom (Pre-Relationship)

I jolt awake, trembling and breathing heavily. It was just nightmare... it was just a stupid nightmare... dreams aren't real... they're just... figments of my imagination... not real...

I take a few deep breaths, and lay back down. It wasn't real... they never are...

I have been having frequent nightmares since Gangrel declared war, and they happen almost on a weekly basis. I am usually able to deal with them quickly, because I always talk about them with Anna in the morning, and I always feel better after our talks. And I'm not the only one who has been having nightmares lately. Anna has not only been having bad dreams, but she also has sleeping issues, and that's one of the reasons she's always sleep deprived. The poor thing has been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately, and she is hardly able to get through the day. Gods know that I would go out and seek her comfort and words right now, but I don't want to wake her up, and be the reason she didn't get any sleep.

I take one more breath, and close my eyes. It was just a dream... it wasn't real...

Blood. Blood everywhere.

I look around frantically, sword in hand, and watch as all my friends and comrades fall.

"No... no this can't be happening!!!"

I turn around and see the three most important people to me fall to the ground.

"Lissa! Emm! Anna! No!!!"

I try to run over to them, but my feet are glued to the ground.

"No... nonononono!!!! NO!!!!"


I jolt up once more, breathing even harder and shaking.

I wipe away my sweat, and take even deeper breaths.

Again... no matter how hard I try... I can't sleep without having a nightmare! Gods...

I grit my teeth, and bury my face in my hands. Why... why can't I just sleep for one night without having a nightmare?!

I take a ragged breath, and try to think. When I was little and I had a dream like this... I would crawl in bed with Emm... I've long outgrown that... but I can't help but feel like that's the only way to calm my nerves... even though we are on the road, and miles away from Ylisstol.

I could talk to Anna... but I don't want to wake her... is there no solution to this?!

I think for a moment, and I finally come up with an idea.

No. Absolutely not! If someone catches me, they'll get the wrong idea! And I know Anna and I are really close... but who said she would be ok with that?!

Another image flashes in my head, and I move without my own accord.

I quickly and quietly sneak into Anna's tent. Thank the gods our tents are so close together... I spot her sleeping form on her cot, and sigh in relief. It was a dream... why was I worried?

I walk over to her, and start to blush a bit. She's sound asleep as far as I can tell, and she's rolled over to one side of the cot. I blush once more.

I crawl into bed with her as quietly as I can, trying not to disturb her. As soon as I settle in, a huge weight lifts off my chest, and I feel totally safe and at peace. I close my eyes, and my drowsiness begins to rush over me. But I can't seem to bring myself to sleep.

I hear Anna shift besides me, and she urfs. I then feel the blanket settle more comfortably over me.

"Goodnight, Chrom..." Anna murmurs.

I freeze for a moment, and calm down immediately "Goodnight, Anna." I murmur back.

I then seek out her hand, and squeeze it once I find it. She sighs, and squeezes back, slightly giggling. I chuckle back, and drift off to sleep.



"Chrom! It's time to wake up!" Anna whispers, shaking me.

I groggily open my eyes, and stare at the brown haired tactician.

"Anna...?" I mutter.

"It's just before dawn, if you want to get back to your tent without anyone seeing, I suggest you do it now!" Anna says.

I immediately sit up "Oh! Er... Right! Yes! My apologies!" I quickly get out of the bed, and stretch.

"You should really get going! If Frederick finds out where you've been, he'd burn me like firewood!" Anna says.

I laugh slightly "Haha... yeah. Umm, yes..." I mutter.

Anna sits up "We'll talk later, just pretend that you were sleeping in your own tent the entire night, and don't say a word about this to anyone!" Anna commands.

I nod "Yes. Of course! I'll er, see you later!" I wave goodbye and exit her tent.

I quickly enter my own, and let out a deep breath. Did I seriously just do that?


It turns out, Anna was having a nightmare as well, and me being with her helped her sleep, and we just faced the situation as any normal one. After that, we promised that no matter what, we should just wake the other up in case one of us had a nightmare. Because we are more then willing to lose some sleep if it means helping one another.


SO MUCH FLUFF!!!! I JUST WANTED AN EXCUSE TO WRITE AWKWARD CHROM, YOU CANT STOP ME!!!!!!!!!! So yeah... these nerds can't seem to leave each other alone for more than 5 seconds, and this is why I ship this so much! Also, this was the product of my oatmeal inspirations. ANOTHER THING!!! "Urf" basically means making noises in your sleep. Idk if normal people use it, but that's what I say!

Currently listening to: There! Right There!: Legally Blonde The Musical (Don't ask questions. Please)

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