Stages Of Love

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The week before Chrom proposes to Anna. Chrom

Day 1...

Just... avoid. That's all I can do right now... I look behind me to make sure Anna didn't follow me. I sigh, and place my face in my hand. "Nrggg..."

I told myself that I was never to have a relationship, yet look at me now. I'm in love. Madly, in love. What do I do...? I can't tell anyone about this... and if I did... I would only tell the person whom I trust the most... and that is Anna... damnit.

I punch a tree "Grrrrrr..." Why? Why did I have to fall in love with her? All I wanted is for us to be a great team, and have a strong bond and friendship... and fate decided this I should love her!

Then again... how could I not? She always makes me laugh. I smile just by her presence... and gods is she beautiful! That gorgeous, long, silky, light brown hair... soft, kind, sassy, sapphire eyes... and a strong yet gentle physic... gods, I have it bad!

All I can do is avoid her, and think of how I am going to deal with my feelings! Good plan!


Day 2...

Ok... now she knows something up!

Earlier today, Anna tried to talk with me. I of course, refused to talk to her, and just ran away.

The looks she gave me at meals... gods... I just want to talk with her, but I can't! I know my logic is stupid, and this plan has SO many flaws, but I have no other ideas! Usually Anna is the one with the ideas! I can't just walk up to her and ask, "Hey! Can you give me a thorough plan on how to avoid you? And while you're at it, draft me a plan that tells me how to deal with my feelings for you. Thanks!"

Why?! Why can't I think without her?! And why can't I think without thinking ABOUT her!?!?!

"I'm nothing without you, Anna. I promise, I'll think of something..."


Day 3...

"Chrom? Why haven't you and Anna been hanging out lately?" Lissa asks.

I blush and turn away "We have other friends to hang out with! Maybe we just want to spend time with them!" I say quickly.

Lissa sighs "She actually asked ME about it. And I think I saw her crying one time. What happened between you two? You were so close!" She asks.

Anna was crying? Guilt fills my heat. "It's none of your business, Lissa. Good day!" I say, swiftly walking off.

Anna was crying because of me? I need to figure this out. Now.


Day 4...

Stupid. That's what I am. Stupid. I smack myself repeatedly in the head. She knows... she knows that I didn't have plans to ever have a relationship... she knows how I feel... felt, about having a relationship... I'm so stupid!

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