That Nightmare

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Sometime before chapter 6: Anna (Pre-relationship)

I jolt forward in bed, screaming. I take frantic breaths and hold my pounding head. I try to look around, but everything is completely dark. No... not again... why that nightmare? Why do I kill Chrom?! Why can't I change what happens in that dream no matter how many times I have it? I continue in my panic attack until I feel a strange sense of warmth on my shoulders, and a muffled voice.




"Anna! Calm down! I'm here!"

My vision clears, and I turn to see Chrom, who is holding my shoulders, and concern heavily painted on his face. I begin to break down at the sight of his face. I lift my hands to my face and continue to sob.

Chrom pry's my hands away from my face and looks into my eyes "Anna, look at me! You need to calm down!"

"Don't touch me!"

I jerk away from him and continue to cry, immediately feeling guilty. Chrom stares at me for a moment, then continues to comfort me despite my protests "Anna, listen to me. You're alright. You're safe in camp, and even more safe now that I'm here. Calm down." He sits down with me on my bed and continues to console me.

I try to steady my breaths and wipe away my tears "W-what are you doing in here?" I ask.

Chrom sighs "I was just finishing up my patrol when I heard you screaming, so naturally, I came in to make sure you were alright. And you clearly aren't! What happened? Was it a nightmare?" He asks.

I stare at my hands and nod. It wasn't just a nightmare... it was... THAT nightmare...

Chrom tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks in a comforting manner.

I begin to tremble and fall. Chrom catches me and hold me steady "Anna! Are you sure you're alright!? Do you want me to get Lissa?" He asks.

I shake my head "N-no..." I have to tell him... it's not fair that I keep this from him! Especially if I've had it frequently...

"Anna, if it's too much, you don't have to tell me! Just please promise me that you'll stay with me!" Chrom pleas. I stare off, my expression full of horror "Anna? Are you ok? Hey, listen to me! Anna! Please don't pass out! Stay with-"

"I kill you!"

Chrom stares at me in silence for a moment "What?"

I finally break down fully and cry "I kill you! No matter how many times I have this dream, I kill you! It's happened from the very damn day you found me! I can't avoid it no matter how hard I try, I kill you!" I sob.

Chrom holds me tight and consoles me "Shh... calm yourself. They were just dreams, they aren't real. I know that you will never harm me... shhh..."

I cry even more "How can you say that even though I just told you I have dreamt this multiple times! What if I DO kill you!" I shout.

Chrom frowns "You won't! I don't care how many times you have a stupid dream! That won't change my trust in you! Stop thinking like that!" He orders.

I take a deep breath "Chrom, promise that you'll cut me down if it ever seems like I am going to kill you." I ask.

Chrom gasps "What? Why?!" He shouts.

I breathe raggedly "Because I'm the more expendable one! You can't die! The Shepherds need you. Ylisse needs you. Your sisters need you. I can't take you away from the world! I'm more expendable out of the two of us-"

"Shut up!!!"

I flinch back as Chrom shouts. He stares at me furiously, "Shut up! Never say that again! Never say that you're expendable!" He orders.

I grit my teeth "Well unlike YOU, I don't have a family and people that need me!"

"But what about me? I need you!!! You may feel guilty about killing me, but how to you think I would feel about killing you?! No. I refuse to lay a harmful hand on you!" Chrom declares.

I sob even more "Chrom this is serious! You need to realize-"

"I don't need to realize anything! I will never harm you, no matter how much you protest! I need you! I can't face this war alone!" Chrom shouts.

I give up... he's not going to let me convince him anyways... but maybe he's right... it was just a dream. I continue to cry, and Chrom holds me close, whispering different words of comfort to me.

After a few long minutes, Chrom pulls away and takes a deep breath "Alright, here's what's gonna happen. You are going to try are get some sleep, ok? I'm going to go out and make sure all of the soldiers are alright, some of them may have heard us shouting. After that, I'm going to come back here, and stay with you for the night. Alright?" He says.

I blush "B-but someone may get the wrong idea!" I point out.

Chrom shakes his head "No they won't. They'll understand that you need me right now if you had a nightmare that bad. And you do. You won't be able to get rid of me." He says.

I take a deep breath "Alright then..." I whisper.

Chrom smiles and squeezes my shoulder "That's my Anna. I'll be back soon, just try to sleep." He says, exiting my tent.

I stare at the exit for a few minutes, then lay down. Whatever did I do to deserve his friendship...

Moments later, Chrom joins me and lays with me for the rest of the night.


The ideas that come to me at 1 am :) Fluffy angst! Don't worry! The next fluff I have planned it really light hearted and humorous! Hey! I can write more than just angst! Anyways, that you so much for reading, and I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Sea Of Voices: Porter Robinson

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