Twelve's A Crowd?

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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom

I look around at the festival and it's fall themed decorations "Huh... this town really doesn't mess around when it comes to Hallows Eve!" I exclaim.

Lissa nods "You bet! Lets all split up so we can cover everything!" She says.

"I don't think that's a really good idea. We should at least have one other person with us just in case." Anna says. I nod.

Lissa gasps "THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! Since Stahl, Kellam, and Vaike are back at camp, there is an even amount of men to women. We can set up dates!" She says.

Everyone's face goes red "Dates?! Really, Lissa?" I ask.

Lissa nods "Yep! It'll be perfect! Ok, let's see... Lets have, Sully and Virion! Fredrick and Sumia! Me and Lon'qu! Maribelle and Ricken! Donny and Miriel! Annnnd, Chrom and Anna!" She demands.

Everyone's faces turn an even darker shade of red "W-what?! Lissa, you can't just pair up two people and say "Yep, you're a couple now!"." Anna says, her face flushed.

Lissa rolls her eyes "Whatever. You shouldn't complain because you and my brother spend so much time together... ANYWAYS! Everyone, we're gonna break apart, and you're gonna explore the festival with your date! Have fun!" She says, dragging Lon'qu with her.

Everyone reluctantly disperses, and Anna and I are left. I let out a deep breath "So, are you ready?" I ask.

Anna gulps "Y-yup..." She says.

I blush "L-lets not think of this as a date... ok? Think of it as... a normal day for us! I did plan on spending time with you here, so let's just enjoy it as friends!" I say.

Anna's blush starts to disappear "Y-yeah... good idea!" She says.


Lissa and Lon'qu

"C'mon, Lon'qu! I want to check out some of the food stands!" I command.

Lon'qu stays where he is "I'm fine where I am. And I don't eat sweets, if that's what you're implying you want to do." He says.

I pout, and grab his hand "Hush! You are gonna try alllll of these sweets with me, and you're gonna like it!" I demand.

Lon'qu pulls his hand away "Don't touch me woman!" He yells.

I look back at him "Oh, right. Forgot. Look Mr. Grumpy Pants! Try to enjoy yourself! If you eat some sweets with me... I promise that I'll leave you alone for a week!" I say.

Lon'qu looks up "...Promise?" He asks.

I put a hand on my heart "Princess's honor!" I say.

Lon'qu sighs "Very well... but that doesn't apply to battles! Now, let's get this over with..." He mumbles.

I smile "YAY!!! LETS GO!!!!" I command, running off.

"L-Lissa, wait!" Lon'qu shouts, running after me.


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