Why is He Like This?

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The week before Chrom proposed to Anna. Anna

Day 1...

"What the heck was that all about...?" I say out loud as Chrom briskly walks away from me. Why did he just...is he ok? I shake my head and walk in the other direction. 

I guess I'll just have to talk with him later... Maybe he IS busy...


"Hey, Chrom. Are you busy? I need to ask you something." I call after Chrom as I see him pass by.

He jumps at the sound of my voice and blush creeps up on his face. "O-oh! Actually, yes. I'm really busy!" he stutters.

I tilt my head to the side. "Do you need help with something? I'd be happy to help if you want me to!" I offer.

Chrom shakes his head and walks away. "Not now... I'm sorry..."

He's gone.

"What is going on with him?"

Day 2...

"Chrom! What's going on? I've barely seen you for the past 24 hours!" I shout at my crush as I manage to catch up to him.

Chrom looks away. "I've been very busy! Speaking of which-"

"If you need me to help you with something, just ask! And can you please tell me why you're acting so weird?" I ask.

Chrom grits his teeth and turns around. "Like I said...not now...I just...uh... Gotta go!" He runs off.

"What the...?"

Later on that night, the only time I manage to catch his eye is during dinner.

I try my best to convey my confusion in my eyes. Chrom looks at me for only a second until he looks back down again.

Now my eyes only conveyed sadness. What...?

Day 3...

"H-hey, Lissa? Can I ask you something?" I ask the blonde cleric.

Lissa turns to me and nods. "Of course! What do you need, Anna?" she replies.

I fidget with my hands. "W-well...I wanted to ask you about Chrom,"

"Chrom? Why would you want to ask me about him? It seems to me that you may know more about him than me!" she said.

I look down. "I-I know... But I wanted to ask you if you knew why he's avoiding me?" I ask.

Lissa's eyes widen.  "Avoiding you?! You mean even you don't know why he's doing that?!" she asks.

I nod and try to hold back my tears. "Yeah..." I murmur. "At first I thought he was just really busy, but now, I can see he's clearly trying to avoid me!"

"I-I honestly don't know, Anna..." she replies. "I can talk to him later if you'd like?"

I look up at Lissa and smile. "Y-yeah...I'd really appreciate it if you did that..."

Lissa nods and reaches up to place a hand on my shoulder "Of course! I promise I'll try to figure something out!" she declares.

I quickly brush away a tear that was forming in my eye. "T-thank you..."

"Do you want to talk?"

"No...I think I just want to be alone..." I murmur, running back to my tent so I can collapse in my bed and cry.

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