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Chrom & Anna

I jerk awake at a sudden movement. I lazily lift my head, and turn to see my smiling husband. I yawn and stretch "Are we there yet?" I ask.

Chrom chuckles "Soon, dear. Just a few more hours and we'll be in Regna Ferox. These carriages can only go so fast!" He says.

I softly groan, and rest my head on his shoulder again "I'm getting motion sickness! Can't we just get there now?!" I ask.

"Would you rather walk, dear?"

I shake my head "No."

Chrom wraps his arm around me "That's what I thought. Now, just sleep a little longer, and we'll be there!" He says.

I stay silent, and snuggle up to him. He wraps a blanket around me, I drift off to sleep again.

I wake up again to my husband shaking me "Anna, sweetheart, it's time to wake up. We're here!" He says.

I yawn and wake up "Ok..." I don't really realize what happens next because I'm still half asleep. Chrom exits the carriage and helps me out, wrapping the blanket tighter around me.

"C'mon, Flavia is expecting us!" Chrom says.

We enter castle Ferox, where Flavia greets us. "Chrom! Good to see you! My champions are here to win this tournament, again!" She says. "Ah, and if it isn't my dear sister! C'mere Anna!"

I'm fully awake now. I laugh, and hug her "Good to see you too, Flavia!" I say.

"C'mon, I prepared a pre-banquet for before the tournament! Come, let you and your men have a bite to eat before you have to fight! Can't have my champions fight on an empty stomach!" Flavia says.

Chrom nods "Thank you, Flavia. I'm sure Anna will appreciate food right about now!" He says. I swat his chest.

Flavia laughs, and we enter the banquet hall.

During the meal, Flavia keeps talking about what strategies we might use during the fight.

"Actually, Flavia, there's been a change of plans. Anna won't be fighting." Chrom says.


I laugh "We are better together, true. But the reason I'm not fighting is because... well... there's a badass baby on the way!" I say, placing a hand on my stomach.

Everyone who didn't know the news gasps. Flavia gapes at me "What?! You're with child?!" She asks.

Chrom and I nod, and he places a hand on my stomach "About 4 months along!" He says.

"I'm wearing heavy clothes, so that's why you can't really see." I say.

Flavia let's out a hearty laugh "Haha! Well I'll be damned! Congrats you two! I guess I'll excuse you from this one! Haha! I can't wait to meet the little one! Hey, maybe they'll fight in the tournament one day!" She says.

Chrom and I laugh "Haha! I doubt it!" I say.


Boom! One-shot! I really hope you liked this chapter, and you look forward to reading more! I'm planing on writing something other than Chrobin next time (I'll try XD) anyways. Thank you so much for reading, and be ready for the next update to be soon!

Currently listening to: Freak Show: Skillet

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