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Sometime after chapter 5. Anna (Pre-relationship)

"GRRRAH!" Chrom shouts as we slash at each other with practice blades.

"HYA!" I slash at his legs,
And he jumps back. I let out fast breaths.

Chrom prepares for another attack "Not bad! You're definitely getting better from the last battle!" He runs at me, and I swiftly block his attack.

I push him off of me, and we continue to take turns slashing at one another.

A few minutes later, I stop and breathe heavily.

"You ok?" Chrom asks.

I take a gulp of air, and look to him "Yeah... just need a minute... to catch... my breath..." I pant.

Chrom frowns "Enemies are not going to let you stop and catch your breath. You need to build up your stamina to avoid this!" He commands.

I pant a bit more "You're right... I'm ok!" I say, preparing to attack.

Chrom smirks "That's what I like to hear!" He lunges at me, and we clash our swords on one another.

Moments later, I regret not taking a break.

My chest tightens and my vision begins to darken. I push Chrom away and gasp for air.

Can't breathe...

I unfruitfully gasp for air. I place a hand on my chest and cough, I can hear Chrom's muffled voice. I collapse to my knees and cough and wheeze. Sweat and tears coat my face, and my hand and the outside of my mouth are wet with saliva.

I grab my neck as my head pangs and gets lighter. I try opening my eyes, but everything is blurry, until it fades to black.

I collapse and my body goes limp.



"ANNA! ANNA, WAKE UP!!!" I frantically yell as I try to pull Anna up.

She's completely pale, and her face is soaked with tears, sweat, and saliva. I can barely see the rise and fall of her chest, and I begin to panic.


I gather her in my arms and run to the medics tent, where Lissa and Maribelle are talking. They turn their heads to me upon my entrance.

The healers run up to me immediately "Chrom! What happened?!" Lissa asks.

I pant and look down at Anna "I don't know! Please, you have to help her!" I command.

The healers nod, and Maribelle points to a cot "Place her there, and we'll take care of everything!" She says.

Without hesitation, I run over and place Anna in the bed. The healers run over to her, staves in hand "Wait outside, Chrom. Please, it will be easier to do this without interruption!" Lissa orders.

I don't even think. I nod, and exit the tent.

I find a log, and sit down, running a hand through my hair.

I should have let her take a break... I shouldn't have worked her so hard! Gods... please don't let her go like this... I'm not ready to let go...

I'm so stupid! I have been working her too hard lately, and she works harder than anyone I know! It's my fault this happened... what even happened?

I sit and wait for what seems like hours, until Maribelle approaches me. I look over to her, and quickly stand up "What happened?! Is she ok?! Will she be ok?!" I frantically ask.

Maribelle holds her hands up "She's perfectly fine, milord. She just needs to rest. But Miriel has the diagnosis as to what happened. If you'll just follow me." Maribelle says, gesturing for me to follow her.

We enter the medics tent, where Lissa is seated besides Anna, and Miriel sorts through some notes. Anna slowly opens her eyes, and weakly waves at me.

I smile a little, and wave back. "There you are. Now, if you'll just have a seat..." Miriel says, writing something down.

I take a seat, and look at Miriel.

"According to these reports, Anna, you have a respiratory condition called, asthma." Miriel says.

Anna gives me a look "Asthma? What's that?" I ask for her.

Miriel pushes up her glasses "Its a condition that makes one's airways narrow, and makes them swell, that makes it more difficult for one to breath." She answers.

My eyes go wide "What?! That's what happened to Anna?!" I ask.

Miriel nods "Yes. She had an asthma attack." She says.

I look over to Anna "Well how do we get rid of it?!" I ask.

Miriel shakes her head "You can't get rid of it. One has to be born with it, and Anna must have been born with it. Luckily, she only has a mild form of it, so it won't interfere with her work, and she'll be perfectly fine to fight." She says.

Anna lightly coughs "Are there treatments? Anyway I can make it so I won't have an attack?" She asks weakly.

Miriel nods "Of course. I'll explain everything you need to know."


Hours later, Anna released from the medics tent, and I help her back to hers.

"Huh, I guess that's why my stamina is complete crap. Haha!" Anna jests.

I look down "I'm sorry..." I mumble.

Anna looks at me, confused "For what?" She asks.

"For making you have an asthma attack! I should have let you take a break! I shouldn't have worked you so hard! I'm so sorry!" I cry.

Anna sighs "Chrom, this isn't your fault! Nothing that happened is your fault! I don't want to see you beat yourself up about this!" She orders.

I look down again "But-"

"Chrom! This isn't your fault! Period!" Anna demands.

We walk in silence for a moment.

"Ok... I won't say it's my fault... if it makes you feel better..." I say.

Anna smiles "Good! And don't think it either! Now, let's just put this behind us, and move on with our lives! And in the morning, you can help me do some of the exercises Miriel told us about!" She says.

I sigh, and smile "Ok. Sounds like a plan. Have a good night, Anna." I say, walking away.

Anna wakes "Goodnight, Chrom." She says, entering her tent.

I sigh again, and walk to my tent.


Currently listening to: Staring Role: Marina and The Diamonds

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