Thank You

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So I have made a decision.

So as you know, I've been feeling a little anxious and worried about how I wasn't doing what I wanted with Side Stories. ...And I've finally come up with a solution.

Sometimes to fix the problem, you have to eliminate the problem.

Side Stories is ending.

Now I'm sorry. I am very, very sorry. I know I sound selfish and immature for ending something just because I can't think of ideas. And truth be told, I have a million. But it's gotten to the point where I am feeling actual anxiety about Side Stories, and it's beginning to affect my everyday life.

Writing means a lot to me, and I intend on doing it for a long time. But right now for me, it's just a hobby. I'm not doing anything serious with it because all I'm doing is writing fanfiction on Wattpad. I can't let a hobby make me feel anxious and insecure.

Does this mean I'm done writing completely? Heck to the no! I intend on writing on Wattpad for a long, long time! This just means this one thing is ending. And that also doesn't mean I'm completely done with writing these one shots. I plan on publishing something else that is similar to this sometime in the future! But not for a very long time.

I still have things like My Story, Parallel World, and Parallel World: Side Stories, out there to read! My Story is also ending fairly soon, but I have a bunch of projects planned for when that's done!

I'm so sorry for ending this so abruptly. I never thought that Side Stories would ever be finished! And I never thought I'd end it before My Story! I know that my reasoning may not be the best, but trust me when I say I did everything I could to think of a better solution. But when the solution of ending it came to mind, I tried my best to deny it, but it sounded like the most reasonable solution for me. And now that I'm officially ending it, I feel a bit liberated!

I'm going to miss this just as much as you, and I honestly wish there could be another way. I'm so sorry for ending this when I said I wasn't. I'm sorry. I cannot say that enough.

I also want to say thank you. Thank you for sticking by my side. For reading this. For enjoy my stories. Thank you. It makes me so happy that I was able to share my stories with you. This is not the end! I will continue to write for as long as I want, and this is just one thing.

I hope you understand why I had to do what I did. Thank you. Thank you for reading. I wish I could thank each and everyone of you personally. Thank you.

I did promise myself that I would publish just ONE more thing in Side Stories, so look out for that!

Thank you, once again.

Thank you.

Thank you so much!

❤️ Anna

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