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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom (Pre-relationship)

"Gods... it got dark out really fast, didn't it?" Anna asks.

I look up at the sky "Indeed... it always gets darker this time of year. We did just enter the autumn season." I say.

Anna nods "I see. I did read up about that. Makes sense. Then we should probably finish up our patrol before it gets really dark." She says.

I nod as well "Right. Good idea."

We continue to walk and carry on in pleasant conversation until Anna abruptly stops.

"Anna, what's wrong?" I ask.

Anna frowns and activates her weird sense of vision that she uses in battles. She looks around, holding her breath. Just then, she straitens up, quickly turns towards me.

"Watch out!"

Anna jumps in front of me, and an arrow digs its way into her left shoulder. She gasps in pain, and steps to the side, holding her wound.

My eyes widen, and I immediately unsheathe Falchion. "Who goes there?! Show yourself!" I command.

No answers.

Just as I had predicted, another arrow flies toward me. I duck down and run towards the attacker. Not long after, my sword meets the attacker and ends them.

I breathe heavily, and run back to the clearing "ANNA! Are you alright?!" I ask, helping the brown haired tactician up.

She gasps in pain and waves her hand in front of her "I'm fine... The arrow didn't strike me too hard... Ah!" She gasps again and holds the arrow.

What the hell was she thinking?! "We need to get you back to camp. Now." I order.

Anna looks to me, pain in her eyes, and nods.


"What in Naga's name were you thinking?!" I yell at Anna who is currently lying down in one of the cots in the Medics tent.

Anna looks at me "Ummmm... saving you?" She says.

I grit my teeth "You didn't need to do that! I would have gotten out of that attack unharmed!" I say, gesturing to my left shoulder pad.

"No, you wouldn't."


Anna shakes her head "You would've gotten seriously hurt if I didn't take that arrow for you." She says.

I frown "How so? I don't think an arrow in the shoulder is that big a deal." I say.

Anna nods "You're right. It's not." She gets out of bed and walks over to me so we are standing in front of one another. She turns around "This is where I was when I took that arrow. Where is my shoulder right now?" She asks.

I look down "It's over my... my heart... That arrow would have gotten me in the heart..." I mutter. S-she really did save my life...

Anna nods and turns around "Indeed. That's why I took the shot. You would have died if it hit you. I couldn't let that happen. I knew if I acted fast, and smart enough, I would have been able to block the arrow without hurting myself too bad." She says.

I run my hand through my hair "Gods... I was too stupid to realize that you are shorter than me... and that I definitely would have been hit in a different place than you..." I mutter.

Anna shakes her head "No, it's fine. I would be reacting the same way if you did what I did. But you have to realize that we are two totally different people. We have our own strengths and weaknesses. In battle, and out. When fighting, I rely on your strength and stamina, and you rely on my speed and agility, along with my magic. We may be different, but in a way, we seem to complete each other." She says.

I sigh "You're right... you're right! As usual... once again, I'm sorry. It's like you said, we rely on each other, and I just can't bear the idea of you getting hurt... I need to push those aside though because of how often we go to battle, and injuries are inevitable... gods... I swear you are the ONLY person I let see this side of me!" I say.

Anna laughs "Haha! Well, I'm glad. It's not healthy holding back your emotions, and I'm happy being someone you can confide those emotions too." She says.

I smile "I'm glad too. So, do you need any help getting back to your tent?" I ask.

Anna rolls her eyes "I don't need my arms to walk, Chrom. But knowing you, you won't take no for an answer." She says.

I laugh "Haha! You know me well then! Let's go." I say, Opening the tent flap.

Anna smiles at me, and exits "Thank you... for everything."


Does this count as angsty fluff? I don't know. Anyways, this was just some little idea I got months ago, and I just recently thought about it again and thought "Hey, why don't I add this to Short Stories?" So I did! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you look forward to more!

Currently listening to: Turn Down for What: DJ Snake & Little Jon

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