30. Retributions

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"Every loss of life is sad and should never be taken lightly. Even in war, killing is a wicked deed, but in self-defense and for the sake of others, the sins of the deed can be justified. However, trying to find another way is always preferential in the eyes of the Virtues."

- The Book of Peace: Ch. 4: verse 11-12.

Melias and Abigail apprehended two horses that were unattended near the edge of town. Melias had no intention of not returning the mares so it didn't weigh heavily on his conscience when they took them. Kennyard road atop the other horse, Abi sitting behind him, as he guided them out of Balen's Crossing and towards the slavers' base.

The rain began to let up, thank the Virtues. Melias wasn't sure he could have handled much more of it, the constant deluge, the bitter wind nipping at his skin and burning his face with cold. He hoped that they all hadn't already caught their death in that wet and cold, but only time would tell if that were the case. In the meantime, they had a rampage to find.

As it turned out, a rampage was never hard to find when it came to Gelion.

They came to the cave before long, a cave that was full to bursting with the blood of the wicked. Melias dismounted his horse and let out a sharp whistle as he took in the scene. Blood soaked the landscape, the crimson color painting every surface in sight. Limbs were strewn about, heads lying away from their bodies, eyes wide with shock. Charred bodies, twisted in agony and only released in death, lay about. He could hear Kennyard suck in a breath. The boy didn't vomit so Melias found himself slightly impressed.

There were a few dozen bodies and no sign of Gelion, which wasn't a shock to Melias. There were tents and cages but Melias didn't see any slaves. Not yet at least. He stepped lightly amidst the carnage, though soon enough his boots were stained red. Good thing it was still raining.

"Do you think he is okay?" asked Kennyard, his tone meek. Melias glanced at him.

"Completely healthy, the only thing that can stop him are the other Saints."

Kennyard lifted his foot to shake off some blood. He didn't look up. "But he isn't healthy. Is he?"

"No, he is not."

There was no sign of Gelion so at the very least he had made it into the cave before dying. Melias wasn't too worried about his comrade; Gelion's skill and savagery was without measure and even in a highly-injured state, he was confident that Gelion could overcome most challenges. It wasn't as if he'd gone up against an army of thousands.

They entered the cave, the darkness swallowing them.

The interior twisted and turned all over and it didn't take long before they rediscovered the trail of carnage that Gelion had left behind. They came upon a cavern that was alight with torches. Bodies littered the floor. Same gruesome seen as before. Melias grabbed a torch off one of the walls and led them through the twisting cavern, following the path of blood and death. Kennyard still sucked in his teeth behind the Saint, but he still didn't vomit or say anything otherwise. Melias smiled; the boy was maturing quickly.

It didn't take too long before they heard some commotion ahead of them. Melias handed the torch off to Kennyard while he and Abigail drew their swords. As they came closer, Melias could make out the clanging of metal and the shouts and grunts of men fighting for their lives. He quickened his pace.

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