9. The Queen of Secrets

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"A rich man will tell you that gold is the currency of the realms. A wise man will tell you that secrets have and always will be the true legal tender for those who seek to gain wealth and power. Indeed, if Candor were a man, he would be the most powerful man in the world."

- Lord Periudem Arcineus, Articles of Truth and Lies.

With the guidance of the pretty little Caecili woman, Melias and Gelion were able to make it to Deepwol Keep faster than he could have hoped. With breakfast still leaving a satisfying taste in their mouths, they broke through a thicket of smaller spruce trees and before them was the old fort that Merri Merciless called home.

The fort was a magnificent construct and a monument to an age long since passed, an age where the power of Kandar stretched over almost all of the six realms. The Kandari Empire had stood for fifteen hundred years until they were overthrown by the Queendom eight centuries ago, but much of their creations and architecture still lingered, a legacy to a mighty regime, albeit an oppressive one.

Like much of the architecture of the Kandari, the fort was constructed of sunstone, a bright and rather golden stone that was very good for building, but could only be mined from the Golden Peaks. It is said that there was perhaps only a century's worth of sunstone left within the mountains. Melias didn't know if that was true, but he hoped it was but a rumor. Sunstone structures were quite breathtaking to behold.

Deepwol Keep didn't seem so big from the first glance. A wall surrounded the fort's main, small courtyard and a small keep, barely the size of a nobleman's manor. The battlements rose high with men in dark clothes standing atop the ramparts and between the buttresses. When they saw the Saints, they called out to someone and suddenly the iron portcullis began to rise. It appeared that Merri was expecting them.

On the outside, it wasn't too impressive, aside from the brilliance of the sunstone. But as with many Kandari structures, the bulk of the structure sat beneath their feet, expansive and formidable. It was strange why the Kandari would build a fort so deep into the Valewood, but it certainly suited Merri perfectly.

Melias thanked the Caecili girl, who didn't speak at all during their brief trip, and then he told her to leave. She did so readily, scampering off as quickly as she could. He was glad to be done with that nonsense.

They passed under the threshold of the portcullis and came face to face with the guardian of Merri's base: Brindwel, a giant. He sat with his back against the wall of the keep, a large rock club leaning against him. When he saw Melias, he stood and smiled through his thick black beard.

"Well if it isn't the man who calls himself a giant," he said. His voice was deep and booming and rather gargle-y. Like most giants, he was about the size of two grown men, though he was thicker and bulkier than most.

Melias smiled. "You know I didn't choose my name."

He bellowed a laugh that echoed through the forest. "Indeed." Brindwel was far kinder than the average giant. However, he was a ferocious fighter if he was provoked. There was a reason why Merri had him guarding her keep. Giants were fierce warriors in general and Brindwel was as ruthless as they came.

"Better head on inside, you two. Wouldn't want to keep my mistress waiting."

"We wouldn't dream of it."

Brindwel sat back down. As he did, the ash doors of the keep opened and out came four men all dressed in black leather armor and black cowls that shrouded their eyes in shadow. Melias nodded to them and allowed them to escort the two Saints into the bowels of the fort.

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