19. The Rishka

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"Go to the west. Go fast enough and you'll always have the light of the sun to guide you down your path. Chase the horizon and never look back at the darkness behind, for you may just lose the light."

- The Book of Order: Ch. 4: verse 16.

Yuna finished her bath. No one else came after Sybill left, so she was able to bathe peacefully for a while longer, alone in serenity, alone with her privacy. She thought about Sybill. Her cheeks flushed, even though she was alone. Sybill to her was a lot like the Duchess, mysterious and foreign, mature, and incredibly erotic and irresistible. It was a dangerous combination.

She would likely never see that Daathi girl again, however, so she put her out of her mind. She sat up and exited the tub. Thankfully, there were fresh towels waiting against the wall because she didn't think to bring one. She dried off and got dressed, then went back to the room. When she opened the door, she found it still empty, save for Char. Char had been sleeping when she went to bathe, but now he was awake and excited to see her.

Kneeling to face him, she let Char come and excitedly lick her cheeks. She giggled. It was ticklish. She wrapped her arms around his warm and fluffy body and gave him a squeeze. He didn't smell too great, but she ignored it. She pulled back.

"Hey boy. Where has your master gone?" Char panted and tilted his head to the side. She smiled. "Thought so. That boy is always so reckless." Char barked in response.

Pad still hadn't returned from wherever he had gone, so Yuna went downstairs for breakfast. It was morning, but everyone was gone for work. So, she was mostly alone in the tavern. She got water for Char and then ordered some bread and soup. Cheap meals. Her stomach demanded more, but her stomach was soft and spoiled and needed to learn to live with little. She would have thought that her time in Mollington would have made her hardier.

She ate alone and in silence, the only sounds being that of the crackling fire and the distant whispers of the inn staff. She could hear the shuffling of feet and the clanging of utensils and instruments as food was prepared. There was a creaking and a banging from above, and she wasn't sure of what it was until she heard a faint moaning. She flushed, wishing that she couldn't hear.

The food was okay, obviously not as extravagant and delicious as what she was used to, but again she had to learn to eat like a commoner. The soup was rather cold and runny and not too flavorful, lacking in spices. The bread, however, was fluffy and warm and moist and very good. The good and bad of the meal balanced each other out.

It was at the end of her meal when the door to the inn swung open and in marched Padrick. Char barked excitedly and ran to his master. Pad smiled and gave him quick petting, then his eyes found Yuna's. She frowned and crossed her arms. His smile faded. He looked away, scratching the back of his neck.

He sat down at the table. "Sorry I was away."

"Leaving a vulnerable princess alone in such a dangerous city? You're not doing your job, Pad."

"Well I didn't leave you completely alone." He reached down and scratched Char behind the ears, soliciting a happy dog smile. "Char is a great bodyguard too."

Yuna's frown morphed to a smirk as she laughed lightly. She leaned over and pet Char as well. "That he is."

He continued. "At any rate, I went out to see if I could find us a ship. Crews and captains get up early, so I needed to be out there."

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