17. Queensport

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"Do not let fear and anger and prejudice cloud your senses, for they will lead to the Vices and your downfall as well as the downfall of all."

- The Book of Peace: Ch. 1: verse 22.

The boat pulled into port at Queensport after a week on the river. The captain shouted that the port was in sight and Yuna couldn't restrain herself from running out of her and Padrick's meager lodging to the top deck. She didn't want to miss the sight of it. She had read plenty of the great statue that guarded the waters of the White River as it entered Queensport, but she had never glimpsed it with her own eyes.

The boat became cloaked in shadow as the afternoon sun disappeared behind the great stone effigy. Yuna's breath caught in her throat. The great statue of Queen Vensa, known as the Gray Lady, towered over the city. Queen Vensa had led the forces of Anglova and the other realms in rebellion over the Kandari Empire eight and a half centuries ago. The port city was founded in the twilight years of her life, with the statue erected as the city was. The ancient queen stood at attention, crown atop her head, her body fully armored, a halberd in her left hand and a shield in her right.

The statue stood taller than any tower in Whitemarch and Yuna had to assume was only shorter than the other great towers of the Six Realms, like the Golden Spire of High Kandara and the Twin Towers of Isshan. It was a masterpiece of craftsmanship and she had to admit that she had wanted to see it for a very long time. She left home to hunt Judar, but sightseeing was simply one of the benefits.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" said Padrick as he came up next to her. She didn't answer for a moment as she allowed herself to bathe in the majesty of the statue.

Finally, she said, "Yes. Have you ever seen it before?"

He ran his hand through the thick locks of his sandy hair as the wind whipped fiercely on the river. Yuna's own red hair was tied back and only a few strands tickled her face, but she ignored them. Pad looked at her and smirked ever so slightly, so faint that she wasn't even sure if she could count it as a smile.

"I came here once as a boy. My grandparents live here, and my family came to show them Ellie when she was born."

"Oh, I didn't know they lived here. How are they doing?"

He didn't look at her, but she could see his expression darken ever so slightly. "They passed a few years ago, but my family couldn't scrounge up the money to make the trip for the funeral."

"Oh, Pad, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you talk to me about it? I'm sure I could've convinced my sister to allocate the funds for your family. She knows how much you mean to me. I hardly doubt that it would have been an issue."

"It seemed inappropriate. You're the princess of the Queendom. I can't just go around asking you favors as if they are nothing."

Of all the things he could have said... Yuna fumed and fought off the urge to smack him. She grabbed him by the shoulder and in a not so gentle manner, made him face her. "We have grown up together, Pad. We've done everything together and no matter our background or station, we are together. I am your friend first and your princess second and for you to say that it would be inappropriate – well, it just hurts."

His expression softened, but he wasn't sorry. "We are friends, Yuna, but we can't ignore the divide between our two worlds. You are the crowned princess and I am your bodyguard. Despite our friendship, we can't just do what we please no matter how you or I feel about it. There are protocols and traditions and that is simply the way of the world."

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