14. The Bloody Peaks

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"Blood, death, ruin: those are the things that await those who seek to cross the Red Peaks. Wars have been won and lost within them and Virtues know how many poor and Brave souls have met their grim ends upon those steep peaks. History is written upon those mountains and they have rightly earned their Red moniker."

- Histoire of the Realm: Ch. 3.

The sun danced in the eastern skies as it rose and painted the landscape pink and the sharp slopes of the Red Peaks a particularly luscious shade. They looked, for a moment, like their namesake, but Melias knew that they were named for a much darker reason. The Bloody Peaks were another common name for them, and they earned them justly.

Melias had only traversed them once in his life, half a decade ago when he had first become a Sword Saint. An avalanche nearly cost him his young life but Abi – who had been with him then and was with him now – had saved him from a grizzly death. He was comforted with her being back by his side again. Nonetheless, traversing the peaks wouldn't be easy.

He wanted to get through them as soon as possible. Now that he knew the truth, he couldn't wait. He had to get to Judar as soon as possible. He had to have the answers from the mouth of the man that made him what he was. He would capture or kill his master no matter the answers. Judar's actions had condemned him and Melias would show him no quarter. But at least he would have the truth.

"Melias, you in there?"

He focused. Abi, leaning from her horse, peered into his eyes. Her small lips curved into a gentle smile.

"Yeah, sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." Wanting to avoid the conversation, he spurred his horse to go faster. Abi and Gelion quickly caught him, though. The earth began to slope, and the tree line began to recede as they ascended the first of the Bloody Peaks.

Abi rode alongside of him and punched his arm. "Don't try to avoid this. Virtuous bones, I was trying to comfort you." She pouted and Melias tried to give her a weak smile.

"I just don't want to talk about it, Abi."

Her frown softened. She squeezed his shoulder. "I know, I've been trying for a week." She looked away with a frown. "This is a lot to handle. I understand that. I remember how much you used to talk about Judar when we were on the road together. I can't pretend to know what you're thinking, but remember that you're surrounded by friends."

"I think calling Gelion a friend is a stretch."

"That hurts, Meli," the Goldstrider called from behind them. Abi couldn't contain her giggles. The sound alone made Melias feel slightly better.

"Well, you have me," she said with a bright smile. "Just try not to think of Judar too much. You don't want to muddle your mind with dark thoughts."

"That shouldn't be too hard," Gelion called. "He doesn't have much in that brain of his."

Melias peered over his shoulder. "If I don't have much then your head must be completely hollow." Gelion only laughed in response.


Two days passed in the Red Peaks, and they weren't even halfway through the range of mountains. Travel was slow. There was snow even though it was early autumn and there were no roads or paths through. Most people elected to go around the mountains, even if it meant taking weeks or months longer. There was such taboo around the mountains that no one really dared to cross them. But most people weren't Sword Saints.

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