24. Choppy Seas

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"The waters of life are often perilous, and those who don't tread them lightly are sure to drown in them. The waters of life are dangerous, but they shouldn't be avoided. Bravery will see you through the harshest storms."

- The Book of Bravery: Ch. 5: verse 4.

Yuna leaned over the starboard bow and peered over the Olenn and towards the western horizon, the warm ocean winds whipping through her hair. The sun hung overhead as the midday heat beat down on all them. Around her, bronze skinned sailors milled about, some going about the riggings and doing their jobs, others lounged about playing cards.

Some sat in groups and talked. One group sat around a crate and played dice, their curses echoing and rising. A few of their words made her blush. Yuna turned around and leaned her back against the railing. She closed her eyes and allowed the warmth of the wind and sun to caress her in their tender embrace.

They'd been at sea for a little over a week, and though Yuna was still enthusiastic, the days had been long, hot, and utterly boring. The initial magnificence of the open seas and the daily sunrises and sunsets wore off swiftly, replaced by an increased sense of anxiety and a growing pool of paranoia in the pit of her stomach.

Whenever she would take a glance at one of the sailors, she would find that they were already looking at her. They would avert their gazes quickly and act as if they hadn't been leering at her, but she could feel their gazes. The longer she stayed on that boat, the more she could feel them, like a pack of wolves staring at their dinner. Maybe she was being a tad paranoid, but she could feel their stares on her like a bad itch.

She felt assured that nothing would happen. The ship, the Rishka, wasn't too large, and Sybill claimed it as hers. So surely the crew was under her command too. Yuna also had Char and Padrick to protect her. Nonetheless, she currently stood alone on the deck. She'd noticed that Pad had been spending a lot of time below deck. Perhaps he was seasick? She didn't know. She folded her arms tightly and took in some long, soothing breaths. You're just being overdramatic, she told herself.

Yuna pushed off from the rail and started to walk towards the captain's cabin. As she did, she dared a glance at the helmsman that stood above the cabin steering the ship. His name was Logan, and though he was an old man with a long white beard, he still had powerful arms and massive shoulders that would frighten most men. That said, he had the kindest of smiles. He stared down at Yuna and gave her a nod and grin. Not his brightest smile, but still nice. Yuna liked him.

For a moment, she was about to barge into the cabin but then thought better of it. It was rude, and though she was a princess and used to getting her way, no one knew that. So, she knocked. After a slight second, she heard Sybill's muffled voice beckoning her in. Yuna gulped – though she didn't know why – and slipped into the cabin as if she was trying to sneak in. She didn't know why she did that either. Sybill made her feel weird. She shook her head.

Shutting the door behind her, she faced the captain. Sybill sat in a large leather cushioned chair with her bag against a foggy glassed window that stretched from wall to wall. Her legs were kicked up onto her big pine desk that was strewn with papers and instruments. Sybill wasn't paying attention to any of that, though; she held a book in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other. She didn't look up at Yuna. She kept reading, occasionally taking a swig from the bottle.

After a minute of standing there awkwardly – again she didn't want to be rude – Yuna made a huff and that made Sybill put down her book. She clapped it shut and tossed it onto the table with a loud thud. Sybill shifted her legs onto the floor with a bang.

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